keep up: If you keep up with your work or with other people, you manage to do or understand all your work, or to do or understand it as well as other people. 跟上 (工作进度等),这里的剧情是保姆想跟Mick 一起离开,Mick同意了但是要求保姆得跟上她的步伐,也可以理解为我们所说的有眼力见一些。

"It's called parenting, Ellie. Try and keep up." (这就叫为人父母,艾丽,学着点吧)----美剧《熟女镇》

"All right, this is gonna so fast, so try to keep up." (好了,我会说很快,所以跟上)----美剧《老友记》

feel like: If you feel like doing something or having something, you want to do it or have it because you are in the right mood for it and think you would enjoy it. (由于心情好或做某事会让你开心)而想要做某事

"I don't feel like dancing, I feel like having a drink, okay?" (我不想跳舞,我想喝酒,好吗?)----美剧《老友记》

"I really don't feel like hearing about my mother's past, especially from you." (我一点儿也不想听我妈妈的过去,特别是从你嘴里)----美剧《新飞跃比弗利》

kitty: Kitty is sometimes used as an affectionate way of referring to a cat or a kitten. 猫咪

purr: When a cat purrs, it makes a low vibrating sound with its throat because it is contented. (猫满足地) 发呼噜声

this kitty can purr 直译为这只小猫可是会叫的,引申为小猫也有两把刷子,用在这里形容车性能好,是辆豪车。

That's all for today.

November 7, 2018. XOXO.

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