



Red collection refers to since 1840, the Chinese people against foreign aggression and struggle for national independence and liberation, to carry on the revolutionary war, the construction of the new China and other activities involved in the remaining major historical events and historical figures of the collection. With chairman MAO badge with sb on it, such as MAO porcelain pieces, red is bearing the weight of the spiritual culture of China's special historical period, become a generation of unique red memory.


Red collection in a large part of the content is about the red guards, red guards is China's cultural revolution the special groups, most of young students. Red guards is not really a national army, but a special kind of alliance organization, is the important force impact the original power structure in the cultural revolution, the development of cultural revolution in the nationwide played their part, are important factors causing unrest across the country during this period. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, was born before and after the founding of the generation, August 18, 1966, is a day should not be forgotten. Just like people mention the "cultural revolution" will said "red guards". Said to "red guards" is said to "eight". It is this day, millions of people in the capital held in tiananmen square to celebrate the "cultural revolution" of the conference, MAO zedong met for the first time in Beijing for big series red guards around the country.


This portrait "chairman MAO received red guards" silk goods, and to restore the cultural revolution people blind grandiose qi, we can not forget history, from your mistakes, and continue to train themselves. Rich images, characters and calligraphy are the best quality, the map layout is reasonable, looked, drawing skill, the level is clear, lifelike. Therefore, this picture extremely historical memorial significance and value for collection.


In recent years, the "red collection" (hereinafter referred to as "red Tibetan") is a hot topic among art collectors. Red collect lover that red collection is the common memory of generation, very emotional significance and historical value. Collection "red memory", not just the memory and remembrance of the past and to relive childhood dreams. Enthusiastic red collection collectors generally have the advantage of understanding historical background they had experienced s, is the collection of the era of "big bang". Now those carrying a generation common souvenirs of history has been more and more scarce, and market value is significantly higher.
