


郎世寧意大利人,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底裏奧內,生於意大利米蘭,清康熙帝五十四年(1715)作爲天主教耶穌會的修道士來中國傳教,隨即入宮進入如意館,爲清代宮廷十大畫家之一,曾參加圓明園西洋樓的設計工作,歷經康、雍、乾三朝,在中國從事繪畫50多年,並參加了圓明園西洋樓的設計工作,極大地影響了康熙之後的清代宮廷繪畫和審美趣味。 主要作品有《十駿犬圖》,《百駿圖》,《乾隆大閱圖》,《瑞谷圖》,《花鳥圖》,《百子圖》等。

Person of Italian lang, formerly known as giuseppe ng at the inside, was born in milan, Italy, the qing emperor kangxi emperor fifty-four years (1715) as a monk Catholic jesuit missionary to China, and then enter into the palace wishful pavilion, is one of the top ten painter of clear acting palace, in the old Summer Palace were the design work, health, harmony, dry dynasties, engaged in painting for more than 50 years in China, and participated in the design of the yuanmingyuan were work, greatly influenced after kangxi of the qing dynasty court paintings and aesthetic taste. Major works have "ten jun dog figure", "best jun figure", "big qianlong map reading", "red valley figure", "bird figure", "the ancient philosophers diagram" and so on.


His main contribution is the bold exploration of oil used in the new road, the fusion of Chinese and western painting as a furnace, created an unprecedented new drawing and new case body, a new system of lang shining painting. Lang shining to China after carefully study the traditional Chinese painting skill, he painted in the traditional Chinese painting has a solid realistic capability, smooth tunnel chalk line, meticulous layers of shading, plus can't follow color, match well of Chinese and western, taken on a new look. To its original new paintings won the emperor's recognition and trust. From the point of view of the existing lang shining painted mark, it is a combination of European oil paintings reflect reality art summary, and have a taste of traditional Chinese painting ink, has high artistic appeal.

文中此牧馬圖,84x45cm,馬匹的形象刻畫非常精細入微,眼、鼻、嘴、耳朵等都栩栩如生,身體結構比例分配十分準確,給人一種健壯、結實之感。其用墨上豐富多變,暈染極爲講究,黑白虛實處理得當,身體的體積與明暗表現極其充分,特別是在一些細小的關鍵部位,極見功力。文中此幅畫作中的八匹馬,畫面上八匹駿馬散放於郊外曠野之中,或臥,或立,或喫草,或嬉戲,自在悠閒,放牧者在樹下休憩觀望。既有西方的結構、體積與明暗,又不失中國畫高超的筆墨技巧,馬鬃與馬尾畫得很靈動,但是靈動中又不乏遒勁與力量,極具收藏價值。‘In this paper the MuMaTu, 84 x45cm, horse's image is very fine, eye, nose, mouth, ears, etc are lifelike, body structure proportional distribution is very accurate, give a person a kind of robust and strong feeling. The ink on the rich and changeful, shading is very exquisite, black and white and the actual situation handled well, the volume of a body and the performance is full of light and shade, especially in some of the key parts of the small, see capability. In this paper, eight horses in this picture, the picture on the eight horses onto in the desert outside, or lying, or vertical, or eat grass, or play, laid-back, pastoralists have a rest under the tree. Both the structure of the west, volume, and light and shade, and do not break traditional Chinese painting skills, superb ink mane and tail of a horse drawn very clever, but there is no lack of again in clever elegant and power, extremely collection value.’


Remarkably lang shining for more than 50 years in a court painter in qing dynasty, handed down but the works is not much, according to the current market, most of the works of lang shining included big museum, famous both at home and abroad into the folk is few. In recent years, in the auction market, the works of lang shining more and more become the top priority items. Autumn auction held in Beijing in 2008, a qing dynasty emperor qianlong years lang shining with emperor yongzheng December yuanmingyuan play figure, living life in the auction house, and was taken to the high price of 144 million yuan, the shock of the course.
