

據BBC報道,來自中國河北的中國敬業集團原則上同意以7,000萬英鎊(約6.27億人民幣)收購英國鋼鐵公司(British Steel)。英國鋼鐵公司是英國第二大鋼鐵企業。

(截圖 Via BBC)

Jingye Group has agreed in principle to buy British Steel for £70m.


It is understood that the government will help in the form of loan guarantees and other financial support.


▲British Steel agrees £70m rescue with Chinese firm Via BBC

據報道,今年5月份,英國鋼鐵公司破產清算,由政府管理,納稅人每天要花費1百萬英鎊支撐該企業, 還有不少人面臨失業的風險

As well as employing 4,000 people at its Scunthorpe and Teesside sites, British Steel supports an additional 20,000 jobs in the supply chain.


▲British Steel agrees £70m rescue with Chinese firm Via BBC


The Chinese group is reportedly aiming to increase production at Scunthorpe from 2.5 million tonnes per year to more than three million.


▲British Steel agrees £70m rescue with Chinese firm Via BBC

此前,敬業集團董事長李趕坡專門訪問了英國鋼鐵公司的斯肯索普工廠,和斯肯索普國會議員Nic Dakin以及布里格與古爾選區的議員Andrew Percy進行了會談。

▲英國鋼鐵與中國公司的協議不會帶來生產競爭 Via Grimsby Telegraph

Andrew Percy對兩件事情做了回應。一方面,敬業的投資不會帶來競爭:

Mr Percy said: "It was a positive meeting. Lots of people do think that Chinese steel is in competition, and it can be, but the good news is this company does not produce anything we produce in Scunthorpe, and vice versa – there is no competition.

Andrew Percy說:“這是一次積極的會議。許多人認爲中國鋼鐵公司是來競爭的,它的確可以,但好消息是,敬業集團生產的產品和我們在斯肯索普生產的產品不同,所以不存在競爭關係。”

▲Chinese deal for British Steel 'would come with no manufacturing competition threat' Via Grimsby Telegraph


"They have assured us that if they do progress with this acquisition, they have every intention of investing to expand production to serve the UK and European market," he told the Grimsby Telegraph.

Andrew Percy對Grimsby Telegraph說:“他們向我們保證,如果此次收購取得進展,他們將擴大生產,以服務英國和歐洲市場。”

"That's really important and what they wanted from us was assurance from the government and the council about support we could give and we said we are committed to work together for that."


▲Chinese deal for British Steel 'would come with no manufacturing competition threat' Via Grimsby Telegraph


▲與中國敬業集團達成7,000萬英鎊救助協議,英國鋼鐵得救(截圖 Via Mirror)


英國工業遊說組織UK Steel的總裁Gareth Stace認爲,這次收購對於雙方來說是互補的。

Gareth Stace, director general of industry lobby group UK Steel, told BBC Radio 4's Today that the business being bought was a "significant asset to our country" as it makes up a third of UK steel production, mostly from Scunthorpe.

英國工業遊說組織UK Steel的總裁Gareth Stace在接受BBC廣播電臺採訪時說,被收購的這項業務是“我們國家一項重大的資產”,英國約三分之一的鋼鐵產量來自於這家巨頭,且大部分來自於斯肯索普工廠。

It also complements Jingye, he said. "We know that a purchase by Jingye of British Steel would certainly complement what they do there in China.


▲British Steel to be rescued by Chinese firm in £70m deal Via BBC

Gareth Stace認爲,收購英國鋼鐵,不僅能夠充實敬業集團的產品種類,也會讓敬業集團在英國站穩腳跟,而斯肯索普也正需要這種投資。

He said that there was a need for "very significant investment" in the Scunthorpe works and that was why the expected announcement from Jingye was "really welcome".


▲British Steel to be rescued by Chinese firm in £70m deal Via BBC

事實上,此前還有另外兩家公司想要收購英國鋼鐵公司。一家是土耳其軍方養老基金旗下子公司Ataer Holding公司,一家是英國印裔富豪桑吉•古普塔(Sanjeev Gupta)所持有的工業集團Liberty House Group

據報道,英國政府破產管理局曾經向Ataer承諾了爲期10周的排他性談判期, 然而,英國鋼鐵公司部分大型供應商拒絕接受降價,未能在談判期內達成收購協議。

▲拯救英國鋼鐵公司的協議恐難以達成 (截圖 Via Financial Times)




China's Jingye Group specializes in iron and steel but also engages in tourism, hotels and real estate.


It has 23,500 employees and total registered assets of 39bn yuan (£4.4bn). According to its website, Jingye Group ranked 217th among the top 500 enterprises in China in 2019.


The firm sells its products nationwide and exports them to more than 80 countries and regions.


▲British Steel agrees £70m rescue with Chinese firm Via CNN



資料:BBC,FinancialTimes,Grimsby Telegraph,Mirror

圖:BBC,Grimsby Telegraph,Mirror,Grimsby Telegraph
