尚怀云 生活禅时代 今天

2018年第70期 | 总第 88 期 | 11月9日出版

播音 | 林会峰(中文) 耀勇(英文)


85 西藏布达拉宫







Arriving at Potala Palace in Tibet

The Master entered Tibet, crossing the Wu Su Chiang and Lhasa Rivers. Lhasa is the capital as well as the administrative and religious center for all of Tibet. The Master walked northeast to Potala Mountain, Where the thirteen--story Potala Palace is located. The halls were adorned with shining gold and jade. This was where the Dalai Lama sat on his throne. There were twenty thousand lamas in the residence in Ke Erh, Pieh, Ssz La and other monasteries in the area.

The verse says:

The secret school of the Buddha’s teachings is known as the sect of lamas,

Who exclusively practice secret mantras passed on by teachers.

The Dharma Host, who’s also the king, is called the Hutuhktu.

The Dalai and Panchen Lamas administrate and teach.

86 过喜马拉雅山







Crossing the Himalayas

In the year 1890, the Master was fifty years of age. He did not wish to remain in Tibet, so during the first days of spring, he began traveling south. He Passed through La Ko, Ya Tung, and then Bhutan, crossing the precipitous Chun Ling Mountain range, otherwise known as the Himalayas, or snow mountains. He composed the following verse enroute: What is it that stretches to the far reaches of the horizon? This crystalline world differs not from resplendent jade.

When the master reached the city of Yang P’u, he visited the ancient Buddhist shines and then proceeded to Bengal.

The verse says:

That great and lofty mountain range is called the Himalayas.

In this world they are the highest - pushing up into the heavens.

Even for the expert explorer, the golden immortal is difficult to spy,

But he really is hiding there - an inconceivable sight!

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