
1. 对你的喜欢就像七八岁时的英雄梦,不可一世又不堪一击。

To like you is like the dream of a hero when he was seven or eight years old.

2. 真的从你口中听到不再爱我,是如此地不知所措。你带走了我的一切,剩下的只是一个空空的壳和一颗破碎的心。

I really heard from you that you no longer love me, so overwhelmed. You took everything from me, all that was left was an empty shell and a broken heart.

3. 从不与人谈起与你有关的那段过往,朋友都觉得你只是风轻云淡的路过,只有我自己知道,你在我心里曾掀起过惊涛骇浪。

Never talk to people about the past related to you, friends think you are just passing by in a breeze, and only I know that you have set off a storm in my heart.

4. 我好想回到很久很久以前,去遇到眉目如画,心心念念都是我的你,还有满心欢喜以为一生的我。

I really want to go back a long, long time ago, to meet you who are all picturesque, you are all my heart, and I am full of joy and thought of my life.

5. 很多时候都是自己挖了个坑,然后义无反顾的跳进去,坑是自己挖的,跳也是自己跳的,最后爬不出来的也是自己。

In many cases, I dug a pit by myself, and then jumped in without any doubt.It is myself who can't climb out at last.

6. 这个世界不是你对别人好,别人就会回报你,感情更是不会,越爱越付出的那一个,总是被牵着鼻子走的。

This world is not about being kind to others. Others will reward you, and even more will not be emotional. The one who loves the more will always be led by the nose.

7. 你必须明白,要走的人你留不住,装睡的人你叫不醒,不爱你的人你感动不了。

You have to understand that you ca n’t keep the person you want to go, you ca n’t wake up if you pretend to sleep, you ca n’t be moved by someone who does n’t love you.
