摘要:Please stop laughing there。站在世界门前,18岁之前的吴栩维Noshvia曾推门窥探,最先遭遇的,是一个迷宫一般的人。



老生常谈的一个说法是 _

这个世界,是一个超大型的迷宫 _

可或许你并未意识到 _

它就像一个巨大的「分形」结构 _

每一个细部,同样是一个难测的迷局 _

摄影 | 张笛



少有人能在爱中葆有全部的赤诚,尽管人们对爱情的期待都指向恒久和真挚,但谎言还是如同丛林中遍布的荆棘。“善意的谎言”(white lies),这个看似矛盾的词组,正是令人迷失在世界迷宫中的第一道歧路。恼怒,恐慌,乱了方寸与阵脚,便如坠入越发浓重的夜色,无问去路与归途。


Vision by:MVM design label _

摄影 | 张笛

《Y》的编曲仍由实验电子音乐人Fishdoll助力完成,在这个电子乐潮流迭现的时代,这首歌以令人颇感意外的方式,召唤起人们对Trip Hop这种迷人音乐的强烈记忆。


Vision by:MVM design label _

上月,00后音乐人吴栩维Noshvia以一首激进的《Question Mark》,向成人世界抛出一枚锋利的问号,并正式宣告出道。随后发布的《Hurt Somebody》和《Kid》又以各异却鲜明的曲风,标示出她在当下Z世代音乐群体中耀眼的存在。

_ 5月8日,吴栩维Noshvia首张个人专辑

_ 《Night Swim》将正式推出

_ 这12首创作于15至18岁期间

_ 已足以显露她作为专业音乐人的野心

_ 和非同一般的审美广度

· Y ·

词曲 _ 吴栩维Noshvia

编曲 _ Fishdoll/吴栩维Noshvia

制作人 _ Fishdoll

录音师 _ 小武/屹然

录音棚 _ Modern Sky Studio

混音师 _ 小武

母带 _ 时俊峰

Why are you looking at me?

Don’t let me fall into your arms

The white lies in your mouth made me so stupid,

didn't I?

What are you laughing at there?

The truth is your body is crying

Everything you want is all around you,

why don't you realize it?

I’m not saying I don’t care

But I have to thank you for that

I was lost in the dark

And finally came out

I came out

I’m not saying I don’t care

But I have to thank you for that

I was lost in the dark

And finally came out

I came out

Why are you looking at me?

Don't let me fall into your world

The false eyes on your face

made me slowly going insane

Please stop laughing there

But I have to thank you for that

I was lost in the dark

And finally came out

I came out

I’m not saying I don’t care

But I have to thank you for that

I lost my way in your maze

And finally came out

I came out

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Looking at me”

“Looking at me”

Why are you looking at me?

Don’t let me fall into your arms

The white lies in your mouth made me so stupid,

didn't I?

What are you laughing at there?

