Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. I’m Feifei.


And I’m hungry – I mean Neil. Feifei, why did you book this studio recording session at midday? I’m starving!


Do you fancy going for lunch? I’ve heard that new chicken restaurant just down the road is excellent!Not sure about that.


Oh, have you been there before?


Yes, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.


Oh really? So the food’s bad? Everyone says it’s great!


Well, the food was great…


Eh? The food was great but it left a bad taste in your mouth? I don’t understand!


Let me explain. If something leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it means you’ve ’had a bad experience and the memory is unpleasant’.

我來解釋一下。如果一件事情或一個經歷“leaves a bad taste in your mouth”,那麼就是說這個事情給你留下了不愉快的記憶。

Oh I see. So, what went wrong?


The bill was twice as much as it should have been!


Ah, I get it now! We use the expression it leaves a bad taste in your mouth when we have a negative experience and feel bad or angry about it afterwards – like being ripped off in a restaurant!

哦,我現在懂了!當我們經歷了一件不好的事,之後對這件事感到生氣的時候,就像你在那個餐館被敲竹槓一樣,我們會用“it leaves a bad taste in your mouth”這個表達。

Come on, Neil. Let’s hear some examples. Then we can go for lunch somewhere that doesn’t rip me off!


I refuse to go back to that hotel. They were so rude! It left a bad taste in my mouth.


When my boss sent me that angry email last thing on Friday, it left a bad taste in my mouth.


It left a bad taste in my mouth when I got fined for going just one mile an hour over the speed limit!


This is The English We Speak from BBC Learning English.And I’m with Neil, who was wondering why I’ve got a bad taste in my mouth when it’s got nothing to do with food.

這裏是BBC地道英語。 我和尼爾在這裏爲您錄製節目,尼爾很好奇爲什麼我沒有說食物,但是卻說“a bad taste in my mouth”。

We use the expression it ’leaves a bad taste in your mouth’ when we have a negative experience and feel bad or angry about it afterwards. So, is it time for lunch?

當我們經歷了一件不好的事,之後對這件事感到生氣的時候,我們會用“it leaves a bad taste in your mouth”這個表達。所以,我們可以去喫飯了嗎?

Yes, Neil! I really want you to come and try that new tofu place. The food is just delicious and the service is excellent!


So, will it leave a good taste in my mouth?


It sure will! Bye.




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