



Egg fossil is to point to by ancient animals lay eggs residue after the fossilization. As a witness to the physiological process of animals, egg fossils are considered to be trace fossils of a type. In rare cases, egg fossils may also hold in the remains of a developing embryo, in this case, the egg fossils are also contains a entity fossils in it.


The existing egg fossil record, it s from the beginning of the Paleozoic, contain a variety of different animal groups under the eggs. These animals have invertebrates and vertebrates raw egg: invertebrates eggs such as ammonites eggs; Vertebrate species more diversified eggs, like a fish, may belong to amphibians and reptiles. Reptile eggs fossils including all of dinosaur egg fossils found in Mesozoic strata.


Egg fossils, they are the embodiment of creatures, but also the embodiment of art, but also the best argument for the history and culture. Egg fossils in addition to collect value given by the market, show more understanding of life, although is the desire of the vicissitudes of life changes but opposite unchanged, even as the stone with a shining light, still very worthy of collection. In this paper, the "egg" the egg fossils preserved intact, appearance is fruity, concave and convex stone texture, keep the shape of the monomer of the original. The overall look, strange shape, with appreciation and artistic quality.


The crystal dinosaur egg fossil is an appearance in the early 1865 China collection exhibition in New York, after soon disappeared, crystal after dinosaur egg fossil is a rarity in Hong Kong until now. Appeared two times in 1915 in New York, at the auction was an American buyers Alexander delegate to sold for $58.9 is equivalent to RMB 364.379 yuan, was a sensation of dinosaur egg fossils.
