


May you let go of yourself and reconcile with your memories as soon as possible.


I never thought that marriage was so complicated. I thought one person could do well, but it was not enough for two people to do well alone.


Your time is limited. Don't waste it repeating other people's lives. Don't let other people's opinions drown out your inner voice.

人总要有一次奋不顾身的爱情,你明知道你在他心里没有那么重要,但还是会执迷不悟。 ​​​​

People always have to have a desperate love, you know you are not so important in his heart, but still stubborn. ​​​​


People are often frightened by the phrase "what to do in the future". For such a long time afterwards, it is not thought out, but through.


This afternoon, she fell asleep with my coat in her arms and looked at her sleeping face. I unconsciously fell asleep beside her. Later, when I woke up, she was looking at me. Her coat was draped over my shoulder and smelled strawberry. I was thinking, why is this girl so cute and so attractive to me?

总有一些话来不及说了,总有一个人 是心口的朱砂。

There are always some words too late to say, there is always a person is the heart of cinnabar.

看到一个男孩子给他女朋友的备注是“氟西汀”,百度了一下“氟西汀”是抗抑郁药 ​。

See a boy to his girlfriend's note is "fluoxetine
