对戏 来自北京外语广播 00:00 02:19


The “2018 Independent Interaction Contemporary Art Exhibition” (or "Independent Interaction") is now underway at the Beijing Star Centre for Contemporary Art, and will run untilJan 31st 2019. It aims to initiate a "dialogue" between theatrical art and contemporary art, to explore their aesthetics through artistic fusion, and to consider them from new perspectives.


The exhibition features nearly 80 works by22 artists, including opera installations, opera animation, experimental music, and videos.



策展人关棋: 今年的参展艺术家有很多是年轻的艺术家,他们的作品都是我们委约创作的,展览一共分为三个单元:“影忆”“对话”和“留白”。“影忆”内嵌了对中国传统文化戏曲艺术的梳理。“对话”展示了多样地带有对话性和实验性的艺术面貌。“留白”所呈现的作品形式不再是具象的语言,而是后现代的表达。

Many of this year’s exhibitors are young artists, whose work was commissioned for the exhibition. The event consists of three sections, called Memory, Dialogue and Imagination. "Memory" showcases the traditional art of Chinese opera. "Dialogue" reflects a variety of experimental artistic features. In the “Imagination” section, the artwork is no longer in the form of a concrete language, but rather a postmodern expression. The artists invite the public to interpret their works together, so they can feel the resonance of aesthetic emotion.


在这个展览中,观众能欣赏到诸多作品,如“一桌二椅”还原了京剧《三岔口》简洁自由的的舞台景置形式,剧目的戏曲服饰以及道具的呈现;张毅霞的《生旦净丑》戏曲熊猫灯箱装置等等。同时,也能欣赏到卓凡的玉石雕塑系列作品,以玉雕入画, 用诗、书、画、印、玉石和灯光合为一体的呈现方式,探索了中国的玉文化和戏剧文化这两种大雅文化跨界的当代表现。

Visitors can enjoy works such as "One Table and Two Chairs", which showcases the stage and prop design of the Peking Opera "The Crossroads", and Zhang Yixia's panda lamp-box installation from the opera "Sheng Dan Jing Chou". Here, you can also see a series of jade sculptures created by Zhuo Fan, which are related to ten major tragedies of the Chinese traditional opera. His work combines poetry, calligraphy, painting, printing, jade carving and lighting, exploring the fusion of two elegant traditions - Chinese jade carving and drama.


参展人卓凡: 这个是来自我童年的一个乡愁。因为我小时候呢大院里头就是莆仙戏,然后我自己是从事玉石雕刻,所以这两个点就在这个时空凝在一起了。这里有几件作品我是特别喜欢的,像这个长生殿,这个料本身非常精美,中国的和田玉,我们用皇家的雕刻方式,用的是四层的镂空雕。

These pieces explore my childhood memories. When I was a child, there was a theater near my home that performed one of the traditional Chinese operas known as Puxian Opera. I often saw it. Now I work in jade carving, so I have mixed these two parts together. The works here are my favorite. For example, this exhibit tells the story from the traditional Chinese opera The Palace of Eternal Youth. For this work, we took Hetian jade and used four-layers of hollow carving to create the stage and the scene from this opera.


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