
2018 创业之美沙龙 | 与全球同行的40年

2018 Women Entrepreneurship Salon | China and the World: 40 Years On

2018 创业之美沙龙 | 与全球同行的40年

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. The country has gone a long way since the 3rd Plenum of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in December 1978. Over the past 40 years, China's social and business environments have undergone tremendous changes, transforming itself from a largely agricultural nation into the second largest economy in the world. During this process, women's development was also further accelerated with increased participation in economic development, decision-making, and education. Data shows that the proportion of women becoming entrepreneurs has reached 21%, close to men's.


Under the dual wave of globalization and cross-cultural exchange between women, the seeds of innovation sprouted in China, attracting entrepreneurs from all over. In fact, many foreign entrepreneurs have received considerable success under the cultivation of China's excellent entrepreneurial soil.


Organized by Beijing Women's International Center and Lean In China, this salon will explore the stories behind these successes and feature women entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and nationalities to share their experience and views on China's ongoing process of reform and opening up.





Founder, Inner Circles

Inner Circles创始人

Thousands of people in China have gone through experiences and programs created by Em throughout her twelve years being based in Beijing. She is the passionate founder of two brands: Circles2 in 2010, a boutique diversity and inclusion consulting firm working with leaders and managers in organizations to be more inclusive and build cultures of diversity where innovation will thrive; and Inner Circles in 2015, offering experiential courses, transformative learning journeys and coaching services for women to grow personally and professionally. It's about women connecting to their inner power and releasing it across their lives, having an impact and empowering others along the way.

在过去的12年中,Em一直生活在北京。在这段时间内,数千人参加过由Em创造的体验和项目。她是非常有热情的创始人,创立了两个品牌:在2010年,Em创立了Circles2,一家精品的多元化和包容性咨询公司。Em与组织中的领导者和管理者合作,来让组织的氛围更具有包容性,文化更加多元化,从而为组织带来创新; 此外在2015年,Em创立了Inner Circles,来为女性提供体验式的课程,蜕变式的学习之旅和教练辅导服务,以促进女性在个人生活和职业生涯中的成长与发展。通过Inner Circles,女性们与自己内在的力量连接,并在她们生活中的各个方面释放自己的潜能,产生影响力,从而在人生中也为他人带来积极的影响。

She's worked with leading global organizations like BMW, Dolby, Morgan Stanley, Novo Nordisk, Hogan Lovells, Dell, THALES, Dentsu Aegis, Vmware, Danone, PVH and Logitech. She is also regularly called on to discuss women's development and inclusion by leading business, academic and government institutions.

她与领先的全球性组织一起合作,包括:宝马/杜比/摩根大通/诺和诺德/ Hogan Lovells/戴尔/法国泰雷兹/电通安吉斯集团/Vmware/达能/PVH/罗技等。同时,她也经常被商业组织、学术机构和政府部门邀请,来分享女性的发展和包容性话题的见解和经验。近期出席的活动有:中国国际广播电台‘改革开放40年’特别节目;‘作为女性,如何在另一种文化中绽放自己的影响力’GT女性群体;‘拥抱多元化的新时代’,丰台人力资源服务在行动启动仪式;北大光华学院MBA管理课程客座演讲嘉宾等。

Em is Canadian, with an MPA from Ryerson University and a BAH in education and sociology from Queen's University. She's married with three kids and lives in a traditional style Chinese courtyard she crafted with her husband. She was recipient of the best international family in 2018 by the International Beijing Women's Federation and Ernst & Young women in business inspiration leadership award in 2011.



Founder, Bespoke Travel

Bespoke Travel创始人

Sarah Keenlyside began her professional career as a journalist, first as an investigative reporter at The Sunday Times newspaper in London, then moving to China in 2005 to help set up Time Out's first English language publication there. After writing and contributing to a handful of guidebooks about China, she became a source for friends and contacts looking to experience the country like an insider. It was at this point (post Beijing Olympics) that she had the idea to set up Bespoke Travel Company.

Sarah Keenlyside以记者身份开始她的职业生涯,先是在伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)做调查记者,然后在2005年搬到中国,帮助创办了Time Out在中国的第一家英文刊物。在撰写了几本关于中国的指南后,她成为了朋友们获悉消息来源。正是在这个时候(北京奥运会后),她萌生了创办定制旅游公司的想法。

Initially a one-woman outfit, the business has grown to employ dozens of tour guides, experts, drivers and in-house tour planners who all contribute to vacations that have been lauded as some of the very best available. Nominated in the Greatest Innovation/Disruption category of the Travel+Leisure magazine-sponsored LE Miami awards in 2014, the company is widely recognized for its modern take on traditional touring. Clients have included everyone from Matt Damon and Metallica visiting with their friends and family, to major corporates such as Apple, HP, LVMH and Warner Bros.

由最初只有一位女性的团队,现在已经发展到雇佣数十名导游、专家、司机和内部的旅游策划人员的公司。 2014年,《旅行+休闲》杂志赞助的“乐迈阿密奖”(LE Miami awards)被评为“最伟大的创新/颠覆奖”。从马特•达蒙(Matt Damon)和金属乐队(Metallica)到苹果(Apple)、惠普(HP)、路威酩轩(LVMH)和华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)等大公司,都成为了他们的客户。Sarah Keenlyside最近被英国商会提名为英国商业奖的鼓舞人心女性成就奖的获得者。

Sarah has most recently been nominated for the Inspiring Woman Award by the British Chamber in the upcoming British Business Awards.

Sarah Keenlyside最近被英国商会提名为英国商业奖的鼓舞人心女性成就奖的获得者。


Co-Founder, Elite Scholars of China

Elite Scholars of China (ESC) 联合创始人

Stacy Palestrant is the co-founder of Elite Scholars of China (ESC).  Founded eight years ago, ESC has helped over 1,000 students from China apply to the United States’ best colleges and universities. ESC is dedicated to helping high school students understand their university choices and develop their academic strengths. ESC’s team of 65 professionals create a warm and educational community for students as they prepare for their university applications over a three-year period. Prior to founding ESC, Stacy was a management consultant at Katzenbach Partners and Booz & Company.  She is a graduate of the University of Chicago Booth School of  Business and Wellesley College. She has lived in Beijing with her husband and three children for eleven years.

Stacy Palestrant是Elite Scholars of China (ESC) 的联合创始人。ESC成立于8年前,已经帮助1000多名来自中国的学生申请了美国最好的大学。ESC致力于帮助高中生了解他们的大学选择并帮助他们发展自身的学术优势。ESC是一个由65名专业人士组成的团队,他们为准备大学申请的学生们创造了一个温暖而有教育意义的社区。在创立ESC之前,Stacy是Katzenbach Partners and Booz & Company的管理顾问。她毕业于芝加哥大学布斯商学院和韦尔斯利学院。她和丈夫以及三个孩子在北京生活了11年。



19:00-19:30 Registration 签到&破冰

19:30-20:15 Panel 分享环节

20:15-20:30 Q&A

20:30-21:00 Networking 社交环节



Theme 主题:2018 Women Entrepreneurship Salon - China and the World: 40 Years On


Date 日期: 2018.12.03 (Monday 星期一)

Time 时间:19:00-21:00

Venue 地点: Tech Temple Sanlitun Lounge

科技寺创业空间三里屯滚石店Lounge (北京市朝阳区工体北路四号院80号楼3层) 



The event is free!

Scan the QR code or click “Read More“ to sign up!





Affiliated with the Beijing Women’s Federation, Beijing Women's International Center utilizes its unique role to integrate high-quality resources from China and abroad to build a support platform for women's development, family building, and cultural exchange, with a focus on “Smart Women”. 


Lean In China is a professional development and peer support platform for women, which has 100,000 members across more than 25 cities and 100 universities in China.




She Loves Tech is a global initiative, showcasing the convergence of the latest trends in technology, entrepreneurship, innovation and its impact on and opportunities for women, which includes the world's largest startup competition focused on women and technology and an international conference series.


TechTemple (Stock Code 839893) is a community and co-working space dedicate to startup companies. Startup Zen is our philosophy which we strongly believe in. We offers full range service to our clients and we incubate some of those most potential companies inside of our hub.We have 7 locations in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen in which not only work also event and parties are happening everyday and bring resources to the community.


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