[en]Nintendo is angling for yet another hit on its Switch console system with its latest installment of the Mario franchise, "Paper Mario: The Origami King," which will be released in July.[/en][cn]任天堂將在Switch遊戲機系統上推出另外一款火爆遊戲,就是最新的《馬里奧》系列遊戲《紙片馬里奧:摺紙王》,將於7月上市。[/cn]

  [en]"Paper Mario" will arrive on the Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite on July 17 for $59.99, Nintendo announced last Thursday.[/en][cn]上週四任天堂宣佈,《紙片馬里奧》將於7月17日登陸任天堂Switch和Switch Lite,售價59.99美元。[/cn]

  [en]The franchise's first installment was released on the Nintendo 64 system in 2000. The latest entry includes new skills for Mario such as a "1000-Fold Arms" ability that lets players uncover new locations.[/en][cn]2000年在任天堂64系統上推出了《馬里奧》系列的第一款遊戲。最新的遊戲裏馬里奧有新技能,比如千折手臂(暫譯)技能,讓玩家可以發現新地點。[/cn]

  [en]The story centers on the eponymous hero and his sidekick, Luigi, who are invited to the kingdom's origami festival by Princess Peach.[/en][cn]故事主要圍繞着英雄馬里奧和助手Luigi展開,碧姬公主邀請他們參加王國的摺紙節。[/cn]

  [en]But when Mario and Luigi arrive, they find Peach is acting strangely. It seems King Olly has hatched a nefarious plan to take over the world, and it's up to Mario to stop him.[/en][cn]但當馬里奧和Luigi到場時發現碧姬公主舉止怪異,奧利國王有一個邪惡計劃,要統治全世界,馬里奧需要去阻止他。[/cn]

  [en]The Nintendo Switch and the popular game "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" have been quarantine bestsellers. The Switch has sold out on multiple websites. As of March 31, it had sold a total of 55.7 million units, according to Nintendo.[/en][cn]任天堂Switch和流行遊戲《集合啦!動物森友會》在隔離期一直很暢銷。Switch在多個網站有售。任天堂稱,截至3月31日,Switch總銷量達到5570萬。[/cn]

  [en]"Animal Crossing" was released in March just as millions of people across the world began social distancing and staying home during the pandemic. The game sold more digital units in a single month than any console game in history, according to Nielsen's SuperData, which analyzes the gaming industry.[/en][cn]《動物森友會》遊戲在三月份上市,此時由於疫情原因,全球數百萬人開始居家隔離。據分析遊戲產業的尼爾森旗下的SuperData稱,這款遊戲的數字遊戲一個月內的銷量高於史上任何一款遊戲機遊戲。[/cn]

