

1.charge with (公开)指责,谴责

柯林斯释义:If you charge someone with doing something wrong or unpleasant,you publicly say that they have done it.

例句:He charged the minister with lying about the economy.他指责部长在经济问题上撒谎。

2.in charge 主管;统领;全面负责

柯林斯释义:If you are in charge in a particular situation,you are the most senior person and have control over something or someone.

例句:Who's in charge here.这儿谁管事?

3.charge up 充电

例句:There was nothing in the brochure about having to drive the car every day to charge up the battery.手册里只字未提这车要天天开,以给电池充电。

4.free of charge 免费的

柯林斯释义:If something is free of charge,it does not cost anything.

例句:The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.宣传单可以从邮局免费领取。

5.get a charge out of sth 从···中得到快感

英英释义:to get a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure from sth.


