一句話瑜伽,第353期Nina:我的教授曾經告訴我:“永遠不要被勝利衝昏頭腦,永遠不要讓失敗佔據你的內心。要謙虛、誠實以及有韌性。”My professor once told me "never let success get into your head and never let failure get into your heart. Be humble, be honest and be resilient ."

我必須承認,過去的我被名利所包圍。I must confess l used to be so snob.

從班級第一名,實習,工作,再到成爲媒體工作者,成功總是常伴我左右。因爲我的完美主義以及工作熱情,我冷落了友情。It took me good years of work and connections/ friends that I lost. Because I was always perfectionist and workaholic, success was on my side most of time. First of class, residency, jobs, published papers, involved in so many researches BLA BLA BLA!

最終,我成了一個只在乎各種頭銜的人。然而沒有一個頭銜,能讓我成爲一個有血有肉的人。At the end, I was truly the ONLY PERSON that cared for so many titles. None of them really described me as person.

我是如此害怕職業上的失敗,以至於連自己活得很失敗都不知道。I was so afraid of professional failure that I didn't notice that I was a complete failure in my personal life.

實際上,通過瑜伽我才找回了自己,反思自己的所作所爲。It was actually thru yoga that I learned to understand myself. Questioning my actions and reactions.

明白了,擁有無價的愛、平靜以及快樂,才配稱得上是一個真正成功的人。Understanding that a real successful person is actually someone that has things that are priceless: love, peace,happiness.

因此,我不再是那個勢利的我,因爲比起失敗,我更介意的是失去人心。So, before I had a huge fear of failure in a egocentricst and point. Now, when I fear it, it's mostly related to failing with people.
