
This year, I'm still an emotionless typing machine.


Can anyone recommend a more advanced restaurant that couples often go to, I have no requirements for dishes, but the environment should be romantic and the per capita consumption should be higher. The more luxurious it is, the better.I'm going to sell flowers at the gate of Chinese Valentine's Day.


Let your girlfriend hold the flowers steady on Chinese Valentine's day.If the rose branch pokes at me, I can't get up without giving me much money.


On the Chinese Valentine's day , some people sent gold, silver and flowers to others. I'm afraid no one will send me these things, so I bought them all by myself: honeysuckle, purge fire!


In recent days, there has been a storm, thunder and lightning. Please do not panic, because entering the state of Chinese Valentine's day, there are too many men swearing, so it's a normal phenomenon to keep thundering.


Those who say to rent their own in the Chinese Valentine's day, don't be silly, OK?Usually, You're free and nobody wants you, now you want to charge in this way?


On Chinese Valentine's day, if anyone shows love in front of me, I'll take a picture, when you get married, if you don't marry this person, I'll print out the photos and put them in the red envelope that give you.


I am determined to be a maverick in this paired world.

