我们都不卖 | 字节跳动正探索不出售TikTok美国业务的解决方案





外交部发言人汪文斌表示,中方已多次就TikTok问题阐明立场。TikTok在美遭遇“围猎”, 是典型的政府胁迫交易。美国个别政客,一方面鼓吹要实现公平、对等,构建所谓的“清洁网络”,另一方面却又在拿不出任何证据的情况下,泛化国家安全概念,滥用国家力量,对某一领域取得领先优势的非美国企业,进行无理打压和百般胁迫。这充分暴露了美方某些政客强取豪夺的真实用意和经济霸凌的丑陋面目。中方对此坚决反对,我们将坚定支持相关企业维护自身合法权益,坚定维护国际经贸规则。

ByteDance will not sell TikTok's U.S. operations to Microsoft or Oracle, nor will the company give the source code to any U.S. buyers, sources said. 

Microsoft on Sunday said ByteDance will not be selling TikTok's U.S. operations to the company. 

"ByteDance let us know today they would not be selling TikTok's U.S. operations to Microsoft. We are confident our proposal would have been good for TikTok's users, while protecting national security interests," Microsoft said in a statement.

The sources confirmed the statement. 

Another bidder for the wildly popular social media platform, Oracle, is reportedly gaining the upper hand as its negotiations for TikTok's U.S. operations have intensified in recent days, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Sunday citing people with knowledge of the matter. 




Another bidder for the wildly popular social media platform, Oracle, is reportedly gaining the upper hand as its negotiations for TikTok's U.S. operations have intensified in recent days, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Sunday citing people with knowledge of the matter. 

Oracle is going to be picked as TikTok's "trusted tech partner" in the U.S., the report said. 

However, CGTN has learned from sources that ByteDance will also not sell TikTok's U.S. operations to Oracle.

ByteDance has declined to comment on this matter by press time. 






U.S. President Donald Trump set a deadline last month for TikTok to be sold to a U.S. company by September 15 or face a ban, citing national security reasons. 

China released a revised catalog of technologies that are subject to export bans or restrictions at the end of August, which means that ByteDance may have to obtain a license from the government to proceed with TikTok's sale to an American company. 



ByteDance boasts a number of cutting-edge technologies in artificial intelligence and other spheres, and some technologies may have a close bearing on the adjusted catalog. 

"The newly-added article 21 over 'personalized information push service technology based on data analysis' and article 18 about 'artificial intelligence interactive interface technology' may have something to do with ByteDance," said Cui Fan, a professor of international trade at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. 

The expert said it is a typical technical service export. "If ByteDance plans to export-related technologies, it should go through the approval procedures," Cui said. "The company's rapid development in international business relies on its strong domestic technical support, and it continues to provide overseas companies with its latest core algorithm service." 

8月23日,特朗普政府对TikTok提出了行政禁令。“我们不会轻易起诉政府”, TikTok公司在博客中声明。“但是,我们别无选择,只能采取法律行动来维护自己的权利。”

由于特朗普政府推动出售TikTok在美业务,TikTok公司的结构发生了一系列变化。TikTok首席执行官凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)在短暂上任后,即提出了离职。



TikTok filed a lawsuit following Trump's executive order. "We do not take suing the government lightly," TikTok said in a blog post. "However, we feel we have no choice but to take action to protect our rights." 

Prompted by a series of changes to the company's structure "as a result of the Trump administration's action to push for a sell-off of the U.S. business," TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer resigned just months after becoming chief executive of the Chinese video-sharing app. 

Zhang Yiming, chairman of ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, said the company is moving quickly to find solutions to the issues it faces globally. "I can assure you that we are developing solutions that will be in the interest of users, creators, partners, and employees," he said.
