一句話瑜伽,第348期Fatima:你最喜歡瑜伽的什麼?對我而言,也許是“正念”。What do you like the most about yoga?For me, probably being mindful.

瑜伽教我的所有事情,都能被用在現實生活中。意識、正念,可能是最能改變我的。From all the things yoga taught me that can be used in real life, being aware,mindfulness, is probably the one that changed me the most.

我喜歡所有的瑜伽動作,特別是那種“細水長流”,忘我其中的動作,是我最喜歡的。I love all kind of practices, but the long ones, the ones you get lost in, those are my favorite.

能夠深刻地感受自己的身體,呼吸,以及一舉一動。That deep connection you feel with your body, your breathing and your movement.

當你忘記過去和未來,世界彷佛只有你一個人,只有當下,只有你自己。When you forget about the past and the future, just you being there, just the present, just yourself.

一旦你感覺到了,你就很難不愛上它。Once you feel it,is hard not to fall in love with it .

我知道這種“細水長流”的動作是可遇不可求的,但這是給自己充電的不二選擇,我想每週做至少一次這樣的動作來獎勵自己。I know it's hard to have those kind of long practices, but I try to treat myself and do them at least once a week.best way to charge my batteries.
