
此前,我们发布了系列纪录片《起底外媒》(Western Media Unlocked) 的前两集,讨论为何中国抗疫在外媒报道中总是负面的,外媒究竟惯用哪些“套路”污蔑中国


今天我们发布《起底外媒》的第三集纪录片《虚伪的西方宣传系统》。本片将揭秘反华智库和学者如何充当政客的傀儡,在反华“政治宣传” (propaganda) 中推波助澜

被外交部三位发言人点名批评,这家澳洲机构到底做了什么勾当? (来源:视频综合)

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?


澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Australian Strategic Policy Institute)的总部位于堪培拉。该研究所发布的报告,集齐了我国外交部三位发言人的点名批评。

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

虽号称“独立”, 该研究所的鹰派倾向却十分明显,常年以来一直为金主服务,是反华“政治宣传”背后的一股重要势力。近年来,它已经成为许多西方媒体的座上宾,构建起公众对中国崛起的理解和态度。

Often cited by media outlets as an "independent" policy institute, the hawkish ASPI keep producing reports that serve the interests of their benefactors. It has become a go-to think tank for many Western media outlets in terms of framing the public's understanding and attitude toward China.

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

▲ 澳大利亚战略政策研究所卫星航拍截图


What's particularly concerning about ASPI is that it gets its funding not only from the Australian government, but also from the US government. It also gets funding from the Japanese, the British and China's Taiwan.

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

▲ 澳大利亚战略政策研究所网站截图

其官网显示,2019-2020财年,美国国务院委托澳战略政策研究所开发了多个研究项目,其中包括“中国科技巨头导览” (Mapping China's technology giants),直指两国在科技领域愈演愈烈的纷争。与此同时,美国政府则接连宣布制裁华为、微信、字节跳动等中国企业


You'll see from its website that most of the main representatives are the US industrial complex or military industrial complex, rather, Raytheon, Boeing, Westinghouse. The manufacturers of big arms are also big supporters of ASPI.

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

2019年澳战略政策研究所推出了“中国大学国防追踪器” (China Defense Universities Tracker),一个旨在探测中国安全威胁的项目。滑稽的是,这个项目并没有发现任何中国的问题,却被澳大利亚参议员指出其资金来源是美国国务院的全球接触中心。全球接触中心的协调员叫做利亚·加布里埃尔(Lea Gabrielle),她是前美国海军战斗机飞行员,后来在中情局受训,又被派往国防情报局。

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

以上种种事实都表明,这家所谓的政策研究所只是受西方意识形态支配的工具。前澳大利亚驻华大使芮捷锐 (Geoff Raby) 就曾说过:


"It's naive to think that think tanks exist only for the pursuit of truth. They exist to educate a particular point of view."

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?


德国人郑国恩 (Adrian Zenz) 作为“研究员”,一直以新疆问题专家的身份出现在西方媒体上。他英文名本是Adrain Zenz,故意为自己起了中国名的他,实际上却和中国没有丝毫关系,甚至没有公开资料表明,他曾经到过中国。说是专家,郑国恩的言论已成为反华“政治宣传”的主要源头。

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

2020年6月29日,郑国恩发表了一份报告,指控中国在新疆强迫维族妇女绝育,限制少数民族人口。同一天晚些时候,美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥 (Mike Pompeo)随即发表声明引用了这份报告,说中国政府强迫新疆维吾尔族和其他少数民族妇女绝育。如此步伐一致的行动,背后是有谁在搭桥呢?



"During the 8-year span from 2010 to 2018, the population of the Uygurs in Xinjiang had a 25 percent increase of 2.54 million. I must also point out that a lot of the materials used by the anti-China elements in some Western countries to smear and discredit China's policies on Xinjiang come from Adrian Zenz, a German 'scholar'. The media has repeatedly disclosed that Adrian Zenz is a key member of the Xinjiang Education and Training Center Research Group set up by the US intelligence agency, making a living from fabricating rumors about Xinjiang and slandering China."

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?




First, so-called independent researchers or institutions release a report making groundless accusations against China;


Then certain Western politicians quickly follow up and make statements citing the report;


Next, media outlets report the news widely;


Last, certain Western governments take advantage of the media's leverage as tacit approval for further actions, such as passing legislation to ratchet up pressure on China.



被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

在哈德逊研究所,美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥、联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷 (Christopher Wray) 都曾大肆宣扬过“中国威胁论”。此时他们谁还敢承认,智库这个平台,本应是做独立研究的?



"To someone like Vice President Pence or Pompeo, using these institutes provides a platform on which their views will not be challenged, but will be projected throughout the United States. For example, Vice-President Pence gave that very important speech on China in October 2018, which really publicly set out the agenda. And he did that at the Hudson Institute and of course, everyone in the Hudson Institute agrees with him."

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?



"For the other side, the think tanks and research inside the think tanks need to get favor from these politicians so that they can continue to guard their resources."

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?




"This kind of partners working very closely to do the same things. They tried to, in certain ways, manipulate the information flows so they can affect the people how to think issues."

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?




We are always ready to develop a China-US relationship featuring no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation based on coordination and stability.

——王毅 中国国务委员兼外交部长

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It's quite clear the global challenges we are faced with today are global in nature and it requires global cooperation and especially cooperation between our two great countries.

——崔天凯 中国驻美大使

被外交部三位发言人批评 这家澳洲机构做了啥勾当?

至于某些智库和学者散播的反华言论则显得虚伪又荒唐,其本质也早已被许多人戳穿。澳大利亚主持人乔丹·尚克斯 (Jordan Shanks) 就在节目中坦言:


"The Australian government now is just a puppet of the US. So, I don't think that it's particularly wise that we are arcing up with China."



"Now China's been politically stable. It has contributed in many ways to regional peace and stability. So we should be very happy."


林启辉 本文来源:中国日报网 责任编辑:林启辉_NB13068