Students sit in a classroom of the Petri primary school in Dortmund, western Germany, on June 15, 2020 amid the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. [Photo/Agencies]

>Blankets needed for class德学校建议带毛毯上学Schools in Germany are advising pupils to bring blankets to class, and wear hats, coats and scarves during lessons as part of the fight against the coronavirus. 作为抗疫举措之一,德国学校建议学生带毯子来上学,戴帽子围巾、穿厚外套上课。Head teachers have issued the advice in response to new government guidelines that require schools to ventilate classrooms by opening windows every 20 minutes.新的政府指导意见要求学校每20分钟要开窗通风一次,为此多所学校的校长发布了这一建议。Leaving the windows open a crack is not enough. 窗户只开一条缝是不够的。Schools have been told to open classroom windows fully for 3 to 5 minutes, and to open doors as well when possible so air can circulate. 政府要求学校每次要保持教室窗户大开长达3到5分钟,如果可能的话也要打开门,以保持空气流通。Daytime temperatures are already as low as 5 C in parts of Germany, and many classrooms are too cold to study in comfort. 德国部分地区的日间气温已经低至5摄氏度,许多教室都冷得没法好好学习了。With winter temperatures often falling well below zero, no one is under any illusions about how cold classrooms could get. 冬天气温通常跌至零下,谁都能想象到开窗通风情况下教室会有多冷。Doctors have spoken out against the new government regulations, warning they will cause a wave of colds and other infections.医生们公开反对这一政府新规,警告说这会导致一波感冒和其他感染。


>Machines to do half our work5年内半数工作将自动化Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report said. 世界经济论坛的一份报告预测,到2025年,半数工作任务将由机器处理,这一转变可能会加剧不平等。The think tank said a "robot revolution" would create 97 million jobs worldwide but destroy almost as many, leaving some communities at risk. 世界经济论坛称,"机器人革命"会在全球创造9700万个工作岗位,但也会导致同样多的工作岗位消失,这将使一部分人群面临风险。Routine or manual jobs in administration and data processing were most at threat of automation, WEF said. 世界经济论坛指出,行政管理和数据处理方面的常规或体力工作受自动化的威胁最大。But it said new jobs would emerge in care, big data and the green economy. 不过,护理、大数据和绿色经济领域将出现新的就业岗位。The Forum's research spanned 300 of the world's biggest companies, who between them employ 8 million people around the world. 世界经济论坛的研究涵盖了世界最大的300家公司,这些公司雇佣了世界各地约800万人。More than 50% of employers surveyed said they expected to speed up the automation of some roles in their companies, while 43% said they were likely to cut jobs due to technology.超50%的受访公司老板表示,他们希望加速公司部分岗位的自动化,而43%的老板认为可能会因为技术发展进行裁员。

A member of medical staff takes a swab from a person in a car at an NHS coronavirus disease (COVID-19) testing facility, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Wolverhampton, Britain, April 7, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Rapid COVID tests at airport英机场推快速新冠检测Passengers flying from London Heathrow to Hong Kong will be able to have a rapid COVID-19 test at the airport before checking in, after the UK's first pre-departure facility opened on Oct 20. 10月20日,英国希斯罗机场首次开通航班起飞前检测服务,从伦敦希思罗机场飞往中国香港的旅客在办理登机手续之前可以在机场接受快速新冠病毒检测服务。The tests, which must be pre-booked, cost £80, and results will be available within an hour. 旅客需提前预约新冠检测,检测费80英镑(约合人民币690元),一小时内出结果。Although a very limited number of passengers are expected to use the facility this week, the move is regarded as a significant breakthrough in demonstrating the possibility of clearing passengers as healthy before travel and potentially ending quarantine rules. 尽管预计本周使用该服务的乘客数量非常有限,但此举被视为一项重大突破,可在乘客旅行前证明他身体健康,甚至可能结束隔离规定。The tests will be carried out by Collinson nurses in new facilities inside Heathrow terminals 2 and 5. 航空服务企业柯林森集团的护士将在希思罗机场2号和5号航站楼开展快速检测服务。British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and Cathay Pacific will be the first airlines to offer it, according to Collinson and its partner in the facility, Swissport. 根据柯林森及其合作伙伴瑞士国际空港服务有限公司的消息,英国航空公司、维珍大西洋航空公司和国泰航空公司将成为首批提供这项服务的航空公司。


>Bacon-scented face masks食品公司推培根味口罩In a year defined by a pandemic, no accessory has been more essential - or controversial - than the face mask. 在新冠疫情定义的一年里,没有任何配饰比口罩更重要或更具争议性。But as this accessory becomes more of a mainstay, one brand has found a sizzling way to make safety a bit more ... appetizing? 但随着口罩逐渐成为主流,某品牌找到了一种保证安全的同时也更开胃的方法。Hormel has released the Black Label Breathable Bacon face masks, which, according to its description, features "the latest in pork-scented technology with two-ply multi-fiber cloth to keep the delicious smell of bacon always wrapped around your nose." 荷美尔公司发布了一款黑标透气培根味口罩,根据描述,这款口罩"采用双层多纤维布,并运用了最新的猪肉香味技术,让培根的香味始终萦绕在你的鼻子旁"。Unfortunately, though, these new masks can't be picked up at the local grocery store along with your favorite pork products - they're only available through a contest at through Oct 28, while supplies last. 不过,不幸的是,消费者只能在当地杂货店买到最喜欢的猪肉制品,但无法买到这种口罩,他们可以通过参加BreathableBacon.com网站上的一场竞赛赢取这种限量口罩,截止日期到10月28日。Winners of the bacon-scented masks will be announced on Nov 4.培根味口罩的获胜者将于11月4日公布。

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