
今年6月,在伦敦举行的“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)抗议活动中,哈钦森将一名白人反抗议者拉出了险境。


他在视频通话中对哈钦森说:“你首先谈到了无意识偏见'unconscious bias' ,你我都知道这在全球范围内是一件大事。”“但是,是的,它在英国也存在。”

"You talk about unconscious bias to start with, which you and I both know is a huge thing globally," he says to Hutchinson during the video call. "But, yes, it exists in the UK as well."


He went on to say: "No one's pointing the fingers. You can't really point fingers, especially when it comes to unconscious bias. But once you realise or you feel a little bit uncomfortable, then the onus is on you to go out and educate yourself, because ignorance is no longer an excuse.

And unconscious bias, from my understanding, having the upbringing and the education that I had, I had no idea what it was. I had no idea it existed. And then, sad as it is to say, it took me many, many years to realise it, especially then living a day or a week in my wife's shoes."



He said it's going to take every single person taking a "long, hard look at themselves in the mirror" for real change to happen.


"And it's not actually up for debate," Harry continues. "These are the facts. This is what's happening. And it's been very interesting for me to sit through or live through this in America."



