向熙、何文宇 - 恋人甜歌

连天气变好这种小事也要马上分享给你 ,话已经讲到这个份上了, 意思非常清楚了吧。

Even if the weather is getting better, I'd like to share it with you immediately. I've already talked about it. The meaning is very clear.

咬一口就能吃到满满馅料的菠萝包,住满了草莓邻居的大蛋糕, 香香脆脆的炸鸡腿儿, 刚刚烤好的可丽饼和牛奶味儿的不二家棒棒糖,算出他们所有的卡路里,差不多, 就这么喜欢你。

You can eat a pineapple bag full of stuffing, a big cake full of strawberry neighbors, crispy fried chicken legs, just baked curry pie and milk flavored lollipops. You can calculate all the calories of them. They like you so much.


I don't know when I began to like you, I just remember once saw you, I suddenly did not worry about a holiday home.


You are my flag when I cross all the fallen and fight against eternity.


I hope that one day, I can wear your white T-shirt and lie comfortably in our warm nest, from today's small fortune to the stars at night.


I like you so much. When I see you, the bubble of joy will run to the moon quietly, go around for a circle, and then come back to my heart to burst, and give out the sweet and sour smell of strawberry.




I miss you, that love until the dream: Stars drunk everywhere, the moon fell into the deep sea.

But I still never feel good in the world until you come back. The seagull will fall into the gentle twilight, and I will fall into your eyes.

Take advantage of the night and love you gradually thick, in the setting sun and dusk embrace.


The sweet mouth is because the heart is sweet, and the heart is sweet because you are in it.

【图源:2019.1211 】
