


“弯折之屋”是位于安大略省汉密尔顿市的一处住宅,通过其起伏的木质和钢结构 "折叠 "成山坡的轮廓。这座两层楼高的住宅通过土地的地形隐蔽起来,游泳池亭子坐落在山丘的低处,并设有一个长八十英尺、高十英尺的滑动玻璃幕墙,从钻入式的有利位置提供了广阔的视野。起伏的结构掩盖了九十英尺长的钢结构梁,形成了一个悬臂式的顶棚,使亭子的前部看起来好像是漂浮的。

Fold House is a residential property in Hamilton, Ontario that “folds” into the contours of a hillside through its undulating wood and steel structure. The two-story residence is concealed through the land’s topography with the pool pavilion nestled into the lower part of the hill and features an eighty foot long by ten foot tall sliding glass facade that provides sweeping views from a burrowed vantage point. The undulating structure disguises the ninety-foot steel structural beam that creates a cantilevered canopy making the front of the pavilion appear as though it is floating.


The facade and Interiors deploy compression-bent wood, an artisanal fabrication technique typically used on furniture and musical instruments, and rarely deployed at this scale. The roof has a significant wave-like curvature that is visually striking from the exterior of the building as well as from the inside of the pool room opens space to cradle the cascading external steel staircase and creates a sculptural slope in the white oak ceiling of the pool room.


To minimize environmental impact and follow the Niagara Escarpment’s regulations, a 3D scan was performed to finetune the structure’s positioning. The green roof blurs the distinction between landscape. In order to maximize sunlight in all seasons and reduce solar gain in the summer, the windows are structured in a checkerboard pattern along the guest houses and the pool room features south-facing glazed sliding doors with deep overhang.

Project: Fold House

Architect: PARTISANS

Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Date of Completion: 2020

Total Square Feet: 4,473 ft2 (415 m2)

Property Type: Residential

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 4

Photo credit: PARTISANS

非常感谢 Partisans 供稿分享

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