新海南客戶端、南海網、南國都市報5月7日消息(記者 姚皓 通訊員 袁迎蕾 李凡 吳春娃)記者5月7日從海南省氣象臺瞭解到,預計5月8日~10日,海口市以晴到多雲天氣爲主,最高氣溫34~36℃。

Haikou Weather Forecast

It is expected that, from May 8th to 10th, Haikou will be mainly sunny or partly cloudy. The maximum temperature will be 34~36℃.

Please kindly check the tables below for the detailed forecast for EXPO.


Hourly Weather Forecast for EXPO at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center.


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