
海島度假地的“漂浮早餐”(floating breakfast)似乎是專爲發朋友圈而生的。

Floating breakfasts are a popular amenity at Koh Samui's Cape Fahn Hotel. Courtesy of Cape Fahn

If you follow luxury resorts or travel influencers on Instagram, odds are good that you've seen at least one "floating breakfast." 如果你關注過Instagram上的豪華度假地或旅遊網紅,你極有可能至少看到過一次“漂浮早餐”。

若是你對漂浮早餐沒有概念,這裏簡單介紹一下:They're your typical upscale hotel room service breakfast -- think toast, fruit, coffee and the like -- served in a pool or hot tub instead of in bed. Usually, they're placed on large platters or colorful baskets, then accessorized with bright tropical flowers to make them even more photogenic. 這是高檔酒店客房服務一般都會提供的早餐——吐司、水果、咖啡等等,不過,這些早餐不是在牀上享用,而是在泳池或注滿熱水的浴缸中享用的。漂浮早餐通常會放在大盤子或彩色籃子裏,並用豔麗的熱帶鮮花裝飾,這樣可以讓早餐更上鏡。 photogenic:上照的;適於攝影的

這種早餐在亞洲和太平洋地區特別受歡迎,尤其在泰國、斐濟和馬爾代夫等地氣候溫暖的私人度假村(private villa resorts)。


While these breakfasts have become more common on resort menus over the last five years, the coronavirus pandemic has made them more popular than ever as hotel guests are avoiding buffets and communal dining rooms. 儘管過去五年來漂浮早餐在度假勝地的菜單上越來越常見,但是新冠疫情來襲後,酒店客人們都避免去餐廳用餐,使得漂浮早餐變得比以往都更受歡迎。 The floating breakfast has quickly become yet another luxury hotel amenity, like afternoon tea or a turndown treat. Amid the pandemic, domestic travelers taking advantage of affordable staycations have also embraced floating breakfasts. 漂浮早餐很快像下午茶或夜宵一樣成爲了豪華酒店的又一項標配。疫情期間,利用這一時機選擇實惠“宅度假”的國內遊客也很享受漂浮早餐。 amenity /əˈmiːnəti/ :便利設施;舒適;禮儀

蘇梅島海角法恩泳池別墅度假酒店的總經理蒂莫·金茲利表示,過去一年來幾乎所有客人都會點漂浮早餐。"We can definitely see that the Asian market is way more into having Instagrammable moments to capture than other markets," he says. 他說:“顯而易見,亞洲市場相比其他市場更愛捕捉那些適合發朋友圈的瞬間。”

隨着漂浮早餐影響力日增,爲了讓自家的漂浮早餐脫穎而出,度假地也必須加大投入。And due to its growing presence, resorts have to keep upping the ante in order to make their offering stand out. ante /ˈæntɪ/:賭注;金額 up the ante:加高要求

The Six Senses Uluwatu in Bali serves theirs in a red heart-shaped basket. The Anantara in Koh Phangan, Thailand, has a floating "sunset sushi" extravaganza. Cape Fahn is working on a floating afternoon tea experience. 巴厘島的烏魯瓦圖六善酒店將自家的漂浮早餐裝在一個紅色心形籃子裏。泰國帕岸島的安納塔拉酒店擁有超豪華的“日落壽司”漂浮餐。海角法恩酒店正在打造“漂浮下午茶”體驗。


來自悉尼的DMarge網站記者詹姆斯·布思告訴美國有線電視新聞網旅遊頻道說,對他而言,這道豪華大餐喫起來沒有想象中那麼美妙(for him, the lush meal worked better in concept than in execution)。"I realized that because it was a humid environment, leaving your breakfast out was maybe not ideal," he says. 他說:“我覺得,把早餐放在一個潮溼的環境中也許不是那麼理想。” "The coffee had a bit of pool water in it, and the bread was soggy." he confesses. 他坦言:“咖啡裏濺進了一點泳池水,麪包潮乎乎的。”

無論你對於這道專爲發朋友圈而生的酒店菜品看法如何,看起來漂浮早餐已經從一時的風尚變成了菜單上的常客(have gone from fad to mainstay)。


編輯:陳丹妮 左卓


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