










海倫在20世紀70年代回到中國,重返故地,拜訪舊友。她的11000張照片、64本圖書和手稿現收藏於猶他州普羅沃市楊百翰大學圖書館的湯姆·佩裏特藏室,由約翰·墨菲(John Murphy)及其團隊保管。她一生的事蹟和貢獻也在八路軍西安辦事處紀念館和鳳縣中國工合紀念館展出。





我們支持在美國推廣中文教學,現在猶他州基礎教育階段(K-12)學習中文的學生人數佔美國總數的四分之一。我們也是今年“發明大會”(Invention Convention)的聯合主辦方,這是全世界基礎教育階段規模最大的發明比賽盛事之一。








Helen Foster Snow

Adam Foster

I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 19th Edgar Snow Symposium. As many of you know, Helen Foster Snow was Edgar’s first wife. Together they shared an incredible history as eye-witnesses to the birth of modern-day China. Today I’d like to tell you more about the life and legacy of my great aunt Helen. Over the years I have observed the respect and honor China has for their American friends, and I am deeply touched by these gestures. Thank you for remembering and honoring our family.

We are inspired by the Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation and their over 40 years of international people to people exchange, and look forward to opportunities to work together in these efforts.

Helen’s History

Helen Foster Snow was born September 21, 1907 in Cedar City, Utah. As a child, she used her mother’s Kodak camera to interview her relatives and capture their stories. As a daughter of Utah pioneers, she grew a love for family history, which then led to a love of journalism. Her dream was to write the great American novel. Helen sought to expand her worldview and gain experience to benefit her writing and career, so in 1931 she secured a position with the American Consulate in Shanghai. Little did she know that with her mother’s Kodak camera, she would capture the photos and stories of some of the most important people and events in modern Chinese history.

Shortly after her arrival, Helen met Edgar Snow in a small cafe. They eventually married and began an incredible journey together recording the political climate of the 1930’s. This dynamic duo were eye-witnesses to critical events such as the December 9th student movement. Helen was invited by Zhang Xueliang to report on conditions leading up to the famous Xi’an Incident. At the risk of their own lives, Helen and Edgar interviewed the early leaders of the Red Army, thus introducing them to China and the rest of the world. Shortly after Edgar’s historic trip to Bao’an, Helen spent four months interviewing leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Zhou Enlai in the caves of Yan’an. She also captured the stories of soldiers, women, and children that survived the 6,000 mile Long March.

Helen is most known as the initiator of the Gung Ho (or Indusco) movement, which provided financial aid for refugees to establish local cooperatives. This “work together” model empowered China to survive the 1930’s war against Japanese aggression, and won her two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Along with Edgar Snow and Rewi Alley, Helen worked to spread Indusco throughout China. It was endorsed by both major political factions, and by notables such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Prime Minister Nehru of India, where 10,000 of Helen’s Gung Ho cooperatives were established.

Helen returned to China in the 1970’s visiting familiar friends and places from her past. Helen’s 11,000 photographs and 64 books and manuscripts are currently under the care of John Murphy and his team at the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at the Brigham Young University Library in Provo, Utah. Her life’s work and contributions are also displayed at the 8th Route Army Museum in Xi’an and Gung Ho Museum in Fengxian.

Helen was the first recipient of the International Literary Prize for Understanding and Friendship by the China Literary Foundation, was honored as Friendship Ambassador by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and was memorialized at the Great Hall of the People upon her death in 1997.

Helen Foster Snow Foundation

As Helen’s great nephew, I wish to continue Helen’s legacy. This is why I started the Helen Foster Snow Foundation in 2018, a non-profit based in the state of Utah in the US. Our mission is to preserve, promote, and continue Helen’s legacy of building bridges of international understanding between China and the rest of the world. Our vision is that by continuing her efforts, the relationship between the US and China becomes one of mutual respect and cooperation. This is especially significant today as we celebrate 2021 as the 90th year of Helen’s arrival to China. The Helen Foster Snow Foundation seeks to continue Helen’s legacy in 3 main areas:

The first is Culture and Education. The Helen Foster Snow Translation Award Competition hosted by Northwest University in Xi’an has become one of the most important language skill competitions in China over the last 9 years. It draws participation from over 200 universities in China with thousands of student submissions.

We support Chinese language learning in the US, and in the state of Utah, where we have 1/4 of the K-12 Chinese language learners in the entire country. We are also a co-host of this year’s Invention Convention, one of the largest K-12 invention activities in the world.

In collaboration with Jiangxi Province, our Foundation is working to establish a ceramic center in Salt Lake City, Utah over the next 3 years. The center will exhibit world famous Chinese ceramic art, provide instruction and classes to the community, and provide a platform for cultural exchange.

The second area is Business. According to the World Trade Center Utah, China is one of the state’s most important trading partners. We provide networking opportunities for businesses throughout the US and China to enable them to be successful abroad.

The third area is Local Government and People to People Dialogue. We work with government and community leaders to build dialogue and friendly ties, including people to people exchanges and outcome-based sister-city relationships between the US and China.

Our Hope

I’d like to close with one of my favorite quotes from Helen Foster Snow. As she said goodbye to her bodyguard Guo Shenhua who accompanied her during her return trip from Yan’an in 1937, Helen stated, “The great wall between China and the rest of the world seemed very far away. Here was the scrutable Chinese man in tears, as if leaving his dearest relative. This was grass-roots Chinese-American friendship. Never would I do anything to break this special relationship woven of such a few, fragile threads in a world where merciless swords cut at international understanding and natural human identities.”

On behalf of the Helen Foster Snow Foundation, we extend a hand of friendship to all who share the “Gung Ho” spirit as we build grass-roots US-China friendship together and ensure peace across the world.

作者:陳 醫

