
後臺回覆“ 經濟學人”,可以查看合集喲~

TEXT 683


That is low compared with remittances from workers sent abroad by the state, which are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.(Sanctions require that these overseas workers return home by the end of this year.)But it is substantial both relative to North Korean GDP per person, reckoned to be between $1,000 and $2,000 a year,and as a share of income earned by North Koreans in South Korea, who make around $1,300 a month on average.





The majority of recipients live in North Hamgyeong and Yanggang on the northern border with China,the home provinces of most of those fleeing the North. (The proximity to the Chinese border also enables communication using smuggled Chinese sim cards.)The money is sent through a sophisticated network of brokers in South Korea, China and North Korea.Like the majority of refugees, these are usually women; often less compelled to work for the state,they are more active in the North's informal economy than men.





If a refugee in South Korea wants to make a transfer, she may contact a broker in the North who owes a smuggler in China.The refugee may offer to pay some portion of the broker's debt;in return, the intermediary gives an equivalent amount to the refugee's family in the North, usually in dollars or Chinese yuan.The system is based on trust—and extravagant fees. The broker who facilitates the transaction takes a cut of around 30%.





Uninitiated participants with weak networks may fall victim to scams, says Ms Kim, though she claims they are rare:wronged customers can get their brokers into trouble by reporting them to the Chinese or North Korean authorities.In a few cases, money flows the other way. A small number of refugees surveyed by NKDB said that they had received money from relatives in the North.





But those who make it abroad are vastly more likely to be able to support their relatives.That this complicates relationships is not lost on Ms Kim."I didn't know my father was dead for two years because my aunt lied to me," she says. "But I understand why she did it."








1.remittance 匯款

Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card.


2.sanction 制裁

Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.



He slammed the bedroom door behind him and fled.


4.transaction 交易

They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction

