Usually, when we talk about the great detectives, the first a few names that will pop into our mind are intelligent middle-aged men such Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot.


If you let your imagination go wild, the detective should be at least a human being. For instance: Conan.


However, Hollywood just shows that there is nothing impossible.


Well, this fluffy, lovable creature that you would cuddle to sleep as a bedtime toy is actually a detective. And, his voice exposes that he is a middle-aged man.



When he speaks English, the voice is reminding us of Ryan Reynolds-starring Deadpool. If you see him in a Chinese-dubbed version, the voice is lent from actor Lei Jiayin.


If you are a diehard movie fan, you must have guessed that we're talking about Pokemon: Detective Pikachu. The film, which opened on May 7, may stop the smashing momentum of Avengers: Endgame.


Just a few weeks ago, Ryan Reynolds was promoting the film in Beijing,whichmarks the first time that Pikachu has been rendered in CGI and appeared on screen alongside a live-action cast.


There is some background knowledge you need to know about the globally popular icon — Pikachu — a yellow, cute and rodent-like creature that is one of over 800 breeds of Pokemon (which is an abbreviation of pocket monsters).

背景知识了解下吧:皮卡丘作为一枚全球闻名的偶像,他是黄色、可爱、有着啮齿类动物长相的生物,也是宝可梦家族中800多种生物中的一种。宝可梦(pokemon)这个词,其实是 pocket(口袋)和 monster(妖怪)的合成缩写。

The fictional Pokemon species was first created in Japan in 1995 and has since developed into one of the world's highest-grossing media franchises, spawning cartoons, comics and computer games.


Reynolds not only provided the voice for Pikachu but also performed for the motion-capture as well.


Lei Jiayin, who lends his voice to the furry protagonist, has his own stylish comedic temperament. He reveals he once planned to add some northeastern Chinese dialects to Pikachu's lines, but quit doing so, not wanting to go too far from the original version.


"It's a clever kind of world-building. The film's Pokémon — all of whom are CGI — look so real you'll want to reach out and cuddle them, especially Pikachu. That verisimilitude makes Detective Pikachu' feel like more than a kids' movie, extending its appeal to nostalgic adults who may remember the Pokémon-card-filled binders of their own childhoods," writes a review on The Washington Post.


要不要去重温下童年旧梦呢?CD君有福利发放哦 ↓↓↓↓


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