
Jin is a regime established by the nuzhen nationality in northern China. The original minister belonged to the liao, and was often bullied by the khitan aristocrats. O jurchen chief bone afterward in northern bei politics and five years (AD 1115), proclaimed himself founding of name daikin, duty, namely huining mansion (now heilongjiang ACheng baicheng), against liao, hence take again with Song Jiemeng strategy, destroyed liao.



In 1157, the king of the jin dynasty began to imitate the currency of the han nationality. During the reign of emperor jin shizong (1161-1189), he made money in the capital cities of Beijing, Beijing, and qu Yang. Jin dynasty money quality is good, the word is good, the side wheel zhou zheng, is the best of all dynasties money. The king of jin dynasty imitated the ancient "no work, no copper" system, casting money, to make good, so the cost of coinage is extremely high. None of the excavated and passed gold COINS were made or lost.


In addition to the excellent quality of money, there are several years of money because it was so rare at that time that it is extremely rare. Among them, the most precious is the "chong qing tong bao" made by the emperor wei shaoyan.


During the casting of COINS, the king of wei had a sample coin of different face value, diameter and weight, but did not confirm the circulation. After discussing with the king and the king, the guard shao wang decided that the face value should be small, two or two, and the other sample COINS would not be circulated.

中国古泉五十大名珍之 金代—— 崇庆通宝

The golden generation of China's top 50 ancient springs - chongqing tongbao.


Chongqing tongbao was cast during the reign of emperor chongqing (1212-1213 AD).


崇宁通宝 直径:2.4cm 重:5.4g


This "chongqingtongbao" four-character regular script, straight read, the imitation of thin gold body, the light back no text, the production of exquisite, good quality, the calligraphy font solitary style, the existence of extremely rare. The national museum of China currently holds two.




This rare "chongqingtongbao" is a rare example of Mr. Luo in zhejiang province, which has been handed down from generation to generation.


Few people see this kind of money, today we can only see it in the book, such as rare, not for the public. Because of its long use of banknotes, the women's real regime has relatively few minuses, but most of its COINS have become treasures of the motherland.


There are a lot of rare and rare ancient springs, but like this one, there are few historical ones like this one, and very few are found, because song, jin, and Mongolian society have been rigidly fixed and cast.


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