今天的英文頻道推出第23篇原創英語故事,作者檳子。由澳大利亞父女John Stretton及Rebecca Stretton聯袂朗讀,翻譯是美國譯員Adam DiFrisco,文章名叫《小惡魔厄厄小時候餓了》。小小惡魔厄厄一到小時候就會覺得餓,它不停地喫啊喫啊,餓得能夠喫下全世界,它喫啊喫啊,變成了硬硬的黑豆,是不是很奇妙呢?來聽聽這個故事吧!


  中文版點擊這裏:Click here to read the original story in Chinese :小惡魔厄厄小時候餓了

  Written by Binzi

  Translated by Adam DiFrisco

  Illustrated by LYF


  John Stretton & Rebecca Stretton

  Long ago there was a devil, and his name was Umm.

  When he was young, he was hungry.

  When these devils first appeared they were very big, as big as skyscrapers. But then they would start to get smaller. Day by day the devils would shrink, growing smaller and smaller and smaller.

  When they were just children, the devils would become tiny.

  The devils were only hungry when they were young. When they were big, all they wanted to do was evil things, and weren’t hungry at all.

  Devil Umm had become quite small. His head looked like a potato now, a very small potato. His brain was about as large as a cherry, as red as a cherry, too. His hair was as purple as eggplant skin. His arms were like bean sprouts, and just as pale as bean sprouts too. Little Devil Umm felt hungry, very, very hungry, terribly hungry, hungry enough to eat the whole world. He broke into a restaurant, pushed his way into the kitchen, climbed into the basket where the vegetables were placed, and took a big bite of a radish, and then a radish dumpling. He took a big bite of cucumber, and then the cucumber flower. He took a big bite of lettuce, and then of asparagus. He took a big bite of a mushroom, and a green pepper, and then a chili pepper. The chili pepper was spicy and Devil Umm blew out through his mouth, spitting out flames like a matchstick being lit. So he took a bite of celery and then took a bite of the celery leaves to put out the fire. Then, Devil Umm saw an egg. He spun the egg around and hit it with the bean sprouts. He bit it with his teeth but the egg just wouldn’t crack. So he pushed the egg and rolled it into a chair leg. Crack! The egg split open. The egg white and egg yolk spilled out onto the floor. Umm stood next to the cracked egg, sniffing the egg white, he dipped his finger in it. It smelled a little funny, would it taste good? As he was thinking, he was picked up by somebody. “Put me down, fragile human!” Umm cried out, “I am a devil!” “Is that right?” asked the person who picked him up. “This egg is mine!” the devil continued to cry, “I want to eat it! I’m hungry!” “You’re hungry?” the person who picked him up said, “but you can’t eat an egg like this”. He was the head chef. He put the devil down on the counter. “Wait patiently, devil.” The devil waited to see what this human was going to do. The Chef fired up the stove and placed the frying pan on it. He poured in some oil, and split an egg with a big “crack!”, letting the egg white and the yolk slip out into the middle of the pan. He sprinkled some salt and a little paprika, and made the perfect omelet. “Wow!”

  Little Devil Umm walked around the pan, the smell of the omelet was wonderful. The head chef pulled the devil to one side, scooped the omelet up with a spatula and placed it on a porcelain plate. He pushed the plate in front of the devil’s eyes, “Please. Now you can eat it.” Devil Umm pounced on the omelet. It was hot and oily, the outside was crunchy and the yolk was still gooey in the middle. The head chef wiped his hands clean while watching the devil chomp on the omelet. One bite after another, Devil Umm ate the whole omelet. He even licked up all the egg yolk that flowed on the pate, not leaving a single bite left for the head chef. After he was finished, he let out a big burp. “Now….I’m finally…full.” “How was it?” the head chef asked. “Delicious!” said the devil. The head chef nodded his head. Devil Umm let out another burp and climbed down onto the floor. After he had eaten, he didn’t feel like doing any bad things anymore. He just felt warm, happy, and sleepy. He climbed into the cupboard and passed by the plates, bowls, and glasses. They were too big, he didn’t like them. Finally, he saw a tiny cup. Just the right size! Devil Umm crawled into the tiny cup. He was already so small now that he could squeeze right into it. Inside of the tiny cup, he hugged himself and yawned. His body got a little smaller again, only as big as a green bean. Devil Umm closed his eyes and shrunk to the size of a tiny black bean. “How nice this is.” Devil Umm thought peacefully. Then he fell sound asleep. In the little dark cupboard, inside of the tiny cup, their lies a tiny, hard, black bean that the devil had become.


  022The Cat And The Peach Tree(貓和桃樹)

  021The Little Fairy (看煙火的小妖精)

  020The Fox And The Flower (狐狸和花)

  019Salty! Salty! Salty Egg Yolk! (鹹的!鹹的!鹹蛋黃!)

  018The Befuddled Little Fuzzy (糊塗的小怪物)

  017Island of Animals(動物島國)

  016The Moon Was A Bird With One Wing(月亮原來是一隻單翅鳥)

  015The Little Clown(森林裏的野生小小丑)

  014Was I Once a Little Lamb (我曾是隻小綿羊嗎)

  013The Story of the Blue Fish (一條小藍魚的由來)

  012The Tale of Mr Rabbit and Mr Cat (被冤枉的貓先生)

  011The Toy “Bandit” (愛做飯的強盜)

  010Sky Ceiling(家裏有一片天)

  009The Cowardly Little Monster(膽小的小怪物)

  008Bear Taking A Walk(小熊去散步)

  007There's a Peach Fairy in the Watermelon(西瓜裏有個桃子精)

  006Tiny Fox in the Garden of Gems(寶石園裏的小狐狸)

  005The Pizza Prince(披薩王子的故事)

  004Red Beard, Blue Beard, and Golden Beard(紅鬍子、黃鬍子和藍鬍子)

  003The Lime Green Lion(淡綠色獅子)

  002Miss Broccoli And Purple Cabbage(西蘭花和紫甘藍)

  001Bach The Elephant(我和肯尼亞的象)

  000King of the Black Hole(黑洞大胃王)



  a normal human bean.

  Adam DiFrisco

  American translator Adam has always been fascinated with world languages and cultures from a very young age. He received his degree in Geology and Chinese Studies at West Virginia University, and has been dealing hands on with breaking down language barriers in several countries since.a normal human bean. Now, Adam runs a translating company and lives in Shenzhen, China.

  John and Rebecca are a Father / Daughter team. They are both professional voice overs that record many stories for children, and children’s learning. Living on Australia’s East Coast, John loves Character Voice Over work, bush walking and the great outdoors and Rebecca loves to draw, paint and act.


  An indie illustrator, and a simple and childlike individual.


  Jing/ Emma/ Tai



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