
Wang Kaifang

"The name, ∞ Harmony,is not only the shape of sculpture, but also a symbiotic coprosperity

of civilizations, in the hope that the world will live in harmony."


《一團和氣》是王開方爲澳門 MGM COTAI 美獅美高梅 Guo Pei 藝術空間定製的大型空間雕塑作品。《一團和氣》運用當代藝術語言,不鏽鋼手工鍛造,亦剛亦柔,金壁恢弘,如一團祥和之氣,飄逸炫動,行遊太極。

作品以風力學實驗、3D 打印等高新科技詮釋了新時代的東方宇宙觀。虛物質“風” 的能量律動,飽含着“氣”的生命呼吸,傳遞出天地人間的和合生氣與溫婉磅礴的光明能量,更打造出“一帶一路步步高,一團和氣幸運門”的金碧輝煌勝景。

作品由北京王開方藝術設計工作室製作,結合數字藝術與瀕臨失傳的中國傳統手工藝鍛造完成,精準誤差 1 釐米,共計 80 人,100 天,12 萬工時,不鏽鋼

24 噸,2600 片,300 萬錘,180 萬焊點,88 米周長,耗用 24k 金箔 8 萬張。



Final check and logistics

王開方,1967年生於北京,1991年畢業於北京建築大學建築系,是中國知名的界設計師、藝術家、建築師。王開方在近30年的創作中完成各類的界作品300餘項,涉及釐型、裝置、影像、書法、油畫 、建築、室內、規劃、園林、傢俱、服裝、平面、產品、首飾等衆多額域。曾獲”中國皇內設計年度人物”、“最具影響力藝術家”等稱號,2011年其觀念作品《螂》被"神舟八號”飛船搭數與天言一號對接實現了中國當代藝術的首次太空之旅。2013年《來自蒼宮一王開方數字藝術展)開創了中國美術館首個數字釐型展,其作品哉中國美木館、法國皮杜藝術中心、上海世博會奧地利國家館等機構收藏;王開方代表作《K星球)、《金磚)、《風)等系列數字雕型,以“進化中的東方宇宙現”結合哲學思考和科學方法在其世界各地的項目製作中進行着自己獨立的藝術實踐,更以藝術的方式探尋社會與文明的發展。王開方的《物種起源設計論》已在社會和設計界引起關注。 wang Kaifang. who was born in Beijing in 1967 and gaduated from deparment of archite.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture in 1991, is a famous crossover artist, architect and designer in China. In nearly 30 years of his creation history, Wang kaifang has completed more than 300 crossover works in various fields induding sculpure installation, photography, calligraphy oil painting. architecture, interior design planning. garden, furniture, costume design, graphic design. product design and jewelry design. He is recognized by a lot of honorary titles, including Chinese Designer of the Year and the Most Influential Arist In 201 1, Cockroach" one of his conceptual artworks, was carried by inzhou Vlll spacecraft, which was successfully connected to Heavenly Palace 1. This was the first space trae of Chinas contemporary art. In 2015, his exhibiton From the Universe -wang Kaifang Digital An Exhibition" became the first digital sculpture exhibtion of the National Art Museum of Ch (NAMOO. In addition. many ot his wors are colled by authorative institutions. inc luding NAMOC. Centre Pompidou nd Austra Paion f ENP. His masterpieces include Ca K. old Brick and Wind, which are digital sulpture series. Wang kaifang combines philosophical thought and scientif methods based on the" Evolving Oriental Cosmology"to carry out his independent art practic inprojects around the world.In this way,he explores the development of society and civilization in the art form.
