於香港本土組成的四人爵士樂組合Jazvolution,由「jazz」(爵士樂)及「evolution」(演變)兩字組成,喻意新派的爵士音樂,由身兼策劃及製作的本地低音大提琴手蕭偉中(Justin Siu) 領導,香港爵士樂教父羅尚正(Ted Lo)擔任鋼琴手,與曾於多個國家巡迴演出的法借鼓手Laurent Robin 和來自加拿大的渾圓雄厚女聲Janaia Farrell組成,他們以創新獨特的旋律與曲調重新演繹美國爵士歌手家傳滬曉的作品,如Ella Fitzgerald、Nat King Cole及Rosemary Clooney等,挑選10首經典作品收錄成專輯《SPIN》,全碟於AVON studio現場同步錄音,母帶在美國製作及混音24bit音樂檔,同時以高格式mastered for iTunes發行,以高品質製作,反傳統節奏及和絃把耳熟能詳的旋律打造成令人耳目一新的爵士曲目。

歌曲“So Many Stars” 由奧斯卡金像獎主Alan and Marilyn Bergman及Sérgio Mendes作曲,首收錄於Sérgio Mendes在1968年發行的大碟《Look Around》內,50年來一共被翻唱及推出共73次,如Tony Bennett、John Williams、Diana Panton等。有別於原籍的4/4拍速度,Justin大膽地選擇了快版的7/4拍,對於鋼琴手Ted Lo及主音Janaia Farrell都是很大的挑戰,Justin希望將歌曲所渴求愛情的迫切感提升,大量加入低音大提琴及鋼琴彈奏,沒有遮蓋主音Janaia嘹亮的嗓子,新派音樂編排又特顯了Jazvolution的完美音樂造詣,是非常易「入口」及耐聽的曲目。

So Many Stars

(We are, we are, we are, we are)

(We are, we are, we are, we are)

The dark is filled with dreams

So many dreams which one is mine

One must be right for me

Which dream of all the dreams

When there's a dream for every star

And there are oh so many stars

So many stars

The wind is filled with songs

So many songs which one is mine

One must be right for me

Which song of all the songs

When there's a song for every star

And there are oh so many stars, so many stars

Along the countless days, the endless nights

That I have searched so many eyes

So many hearts, so many smiles

Which one to choose, which way to go, how can I tell

How will I know, out of, oh

So many stars, so many stars

(We are, we are, we are, we are)

(We are, we are, we are, we are)

Along the countless days, the endless nights

That I have searched so many eyes

So many hearts, so many smiles

Which one to choose, which way to go, how can I tell

How will I know, out of, oh, so many stars

So many stars

(We are, we are, we are, we are)

(We are, we are, we are, we are)
