
走近百大冠军155期Jacqueline:说说现在的身材!这是当时我在本赛季第五场比赛(纽约职业健美赛)几天的状态。Talk about shreds! This was a couple days out of my 5th show of the season; NY Pro.


现在的我完全不是这个样子。我现在增重15磅,感觉非常不错。Currently not anywhere near this look. I have definitely gain a good 15 pounds and I'm totally fine with it.


让我的身体休息,让一切恢复正常是我的首要任务,生活同样也是!Resting my body and getting everything back to normal is my first priority and also life!


我知道,即使我是一个顽强的运动员,对这项运动有着巨大的热情,但是放慢脚步是有好处的。I' m understanding that even though I' m one tough athlete with a huge passion in this sport, it will be totally okay to slow down a bit.


舞台永远在那里。我的首要目标是希望有一天能有机会获得资格,成为奥林匹亚的一部分,我知道我会的。The stage will always be there. My number one goal is to hopefully one day get a chance to qualify and be a part of the Olympia and I knowI will.


不过不是现在。我的重点是我的前途,因为是的,在健美之外我有事要做。Not right now though. My focus is on my career because yes I do have a career outside of this sport.


在毕业了好多年之后,我将在10月份重回大学继续深造。我可以说,我很高兴看到一个光明的未来在我眼前!I will be starting school in October after graduating a couple years back with my bachelors. I can say I'm happy to see a brighter future in front of my eyes!


我不确定离开健美舞台我要休息多久,但这并不意味着我会停止在健身房的拼搏,因为这是我的全部。I'm not sure how long my break will take from the stage but that doesn't mean I will stop putting in the work in the gym because that 's what I'm all about.

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