来源:American Shipper

翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿



Avantida 表示,CMA CGM和Hapag-Lloyd两家公司已同意在墨西哥利用其称为“reUse”的集装箱再利用管理服务。但Avantida的首席执行官Luc De Clerck表示,公司同时也在招募其他班轮公司。“大多数主流航运公司都在我们欧洲平台上。”他说。


De Clerck表示,承运人进口的集装箱被重复使用,即该集装箱会被送至同一承运人或航运公司的客户手上。比如通过这种方式,CMA CGM拥有或租赁的集装箱则仍然在CMA CGM的集装箱船队里。

每次重复使用或者内陆运转都需要经过承运人的允许,之后通过Avantida电脑系统才能自动运行该操作。De Clerck表示,公司的经验是85%的集装箱内陆运转需经过公司的欧洲客户同意。如果集装箱租期将至,客户则会拒绝该集装箱的重复使用。



Avantida takes container management service to Mexico

Avantida, a company that enables street turns of ocean containers, has expanded into Mexico.

The Antwerp, Belgium-based company, founded in 2013 and acquired by INTTRA in 2017, currently helps arrange the triangulation of about 1,600 containers each day between shippers or transportation companies in a dozen European countries.

Avantida said CMA CGM and Hapag-Lloyd have agreed to utilize what it calls its reUse container management services in Mexico, but Luc De Clerck, Avantida’s chief executive officer, said the company is recruiting other liner companies as well. “Most of the major carriers are on our platform in Europe,” he added.

The company explained that the service works like this: “Once an import container has been unloaded, it must be taken back to the port or assigned depot. With reUse, transport companies can request the liner shipping company to use that same container and bring it straight to their export customer to get loaded.”

De Clerck said when an import container of a carrier is reused, it is used brought to a customer of the same ocean carrier. In this way, a container that, for example, CMA CGM owns or leases, remains in the CMA CGM container fleet.

Each reuse or street turn must be approved by the carrier and the Avantida computer system allows this to be done automatically. He said the company’s experience is that 85 percent of the street turns are approved by the company’s customers in Europe. Reuse of a container might be rejected, for example, if a container is nearing the end of a lease.

The company said the service helps truckers avoid waiting times at depots and terminals and eliminates travel over unnecessary distances. This reduces both costs and CO2 emissions.




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