摘要:自由派搭檔主持人桑尼·霍斯汀說,她也“持中立態度”,因爲青少年還不是“發育完全成熟的人”,但她還提到了16歲兒子跟她說過的一件類似的事情,他們學校的孩子“在視頻中反覆說着帶種族主義的話”。週二,美國脫口秀《The View》搭檔主持人指責帕克蘭學生凱爾·卡舒夫16歲時在聊天室裏發種族主義、厭女症和反猶太主義信息——這些信息導致哈佛大學撤銷了他的錄取資格。

'The View' slams Kyle Kashuv over offensive texts: 'He could go to Trump University'
脫口秀《The View》抨擊凱爾·卡舒夫發表過的攻擊性信息:“他可以去特朗普大學”

來源:福克斯新聞 翻譯:世界播

"The View" co-hosts ripped Parkland student Kyle Kashuv Tuesday for racist, misogynist and anti-Semitic texts he wrote in a chatroom when he was 16 that led Harvard University to rescind his acceptance.

週二,美國脫口秀《The View》搭檔主持人指責帕克蘭學生凱爾·卡舒夫16歲時在聊天室裏發種族主義、厭女症和反猶太主義信息——這些信息導致哈佛大學撤銷了他的錄取資格。

One even joked he can still go to "Trump University."


"Well, it was only two years ago. I'm just sayin'," liberal co-host Joy Behar said in reaction to Kashuv's apology.


Behar acknowledged that Kashuv is a "very bright kid" and noted his GPA and SAT scores were higher than his gun control advocate classmate David Hogg, who also was accepted to Harvard.


Frequent guest host Ana Navarro said she was "torn" about the controversy, adding that Kashuv was only 16 at the time and was "apologetic." But she also pointed to Harvard's recent treatment of ten other students whose admissions were reversed due to offensive social media posts.


"Kyle, the bad news is you can't go to Harvard if you're a sexist misogynist, but you can grow up to become president," Navarro told the Parkland student, sparking a reaction from the audience.


Co-host Joy Behar


"That's true," Behar added. "He could go to Trump University. They'd take him."


Liberal co-host Sunny Hostin said she was also "on the fence" since teenagers aren't "fully-formed human beings," but recalled what her 16-year-old son told her about a similar incident that happened in his school where kids "repeatedly said the n-word on video."


"He did not want to go to school with those kids any longer," Hostin said. "And he said, 'what about my feelings if I go to Harvard and I have to sit next to that kid and I know that he would call me an 'n-word jock'... And Gabriel, your feelings do matter."


Hostin concluded that Harvard "did the right thing" and that in this country "we hold young people accountable for their actions," invoking teenagers who have committed crimes and gone to prison "for the rest of their lives."


Meghan McCain, however, offered a more nuanced view, telling her co-hosts Kashuv should have known better at 16 than to use such language. But she also slammed the "online mob" that pressured Harvard into rescinding his acceptance.


"I don't know anymore," McCain said. "I had a really hard time coming up with how I feel because I don't think it's too much to ask to not say the n-word from young people... but I also think your life shouldn't be ruined for some dumb crap stuff you had done at 16."


"But it was only two years ago," Behar shot back. "It's not like he did this 20 years ago."


"This is the other thing that was confusing me," Hostin chimed in. "He says these anti-Semitic things as well. His parents are Jewish. He's Jewish."


"Oh, so he's a self-hating Jew?" Behar joked. "Look at how high this kid's I.Q. is, he was dumb enough to put that in writing."

