VLOOP 蔚路循環是一個發起於清華大學的創業項目。創立的初衷,是爲了解決每年數百億的一次性塑料垃圾問題。在實地調研中他們發現:僅2017 年,中國快遞共消耗近200 億個快遞塑料袋,從總量上比美國、日本、歐盟加起來還多。全部排起來可以繞地球赤道225 圈,過去三年裏,中國一線城市居民生活垃圾增量的80% - 90%,來自快遞包裝和外賣餐盒。一次性快遞塑料袋基本佔據了電商包裝的50 % 。而它極低的生產成本和快速的消耗方式,對環境正在造成嚴重的破壞怎樣從源頭解決這個問題?

VLOOP starts from Tsinghua University. It aims to solvethe problem of billions of disposable plastic delivery bags per year. From thefield research, VLOOP found that in 2017 only, China has consumed 20 billionplastic delivery bags, which exceeds the total amount of USA, Japan and EU, andall the bags will cross around the earth equator by 225 circles. Disposableplastic delivery bags are cheap, but the cost of their environmental damage isimmeasurable. How to solve the problem?


VLOOP redesign a reusable delivery bag and anintelligent returning box, and build an IT system to support the circulation ofthe bags. E-sellers use VLOOP bags to package, consumers return VLOOP bags tothe nearest VLOOP returning box, and VLOOP allocates the collection andredistribution.

因爲循環袋的成本昂貴,爲了保證循環模式的可持續性,用戶每次歸還袋子的時候需要註冊繳納9. 9 元的押金(爲確保歸還率)並支付0.5 元每次的環保成本(用於維持循環過程中產生的回收處理成本以及團隊的日常運營)

In order to be sustainable, consumers need to pay ¥9.99deposit and ¥0.5 environmental cost per usage.

循環袋袋體材質是達到瑞士藍標認證的,生產無三廢(廢氣廢水廢渣)產生。並且它的耐磨性、穿刺程度都經過實際路測驗證,目前路測結果顯示可循環使用50 —— 100 次,但這也並不是最終結果,路測實驗仍在繼續進行中,循環次數仍在不斷累計。

The material of VLOOP bag can reach the standard ofBlueSign and its production process has no three waste (wasted gas, wastedwater, and wasted residue). And its wear resistance, water resistance andcrease resistance passes the road test. VLOOP road test shows that VLOOP bagscan be reused by 50-100 times, and it can be even higher.

2018 年5 月,第一個真正意義上使用藍色循環袋的包裹,勝利抵達首個試點學校,已經有多位收到藍色循環袋的同學在驛站體驗了歸還。在沒有任何宣傳的推動下,仍有30 % -40 % 的用戶選擇了付費歸還,事實證明,越來越多人已經開始擔心隨着網購給環境帶來的負面影響,而這樣的循環模式正是爲他們提供了一種低負擔的購物方式。

In May 2018, the very first package which used a VLOOPbag arrived at the first University. A number of students who received VLOOPbags have experienced the returning process. Without any propaganda, 30-40% ofthe students accept VLOOP model - consumers pay for the environmental costdirectly.

2018 年10 月,蔚路循環又對十多所高校做了全方位的調研,學生反饋的支持力度高達85 % 以上。環保的購物方式已經是衆望所歸,心之所向。

In October 2018, VLOOP did a comprehensive survey onten Universities in Hangzhou, and the portion of the students who support VLOOPmodel is more than 85%.

環保是有成本的。到底應該由誰來爲環保買單?我想作爲地球上的每一位公民,都有責任爲自己的保衛和守護我們自己的生存家園。Be the change that youwant to see in the world (  若要看到世界的改變,請先讓自己成爲那個改變) 消費者的立場和選擇就是「改變」真正發生的源動力。

Environmental-friendly option has a higher cost and whoshould pay for it? VLOOP believes that as a planet citizen, every one should beresponsible and act to protect the Earth. “Be the change that you want to seein the world.” Consumers’ choice is the fundamental changing power.

中國一年200 億個快遞塑料袋, 6 億網購消費者,人均一年消耗約30 個快遞袋。30 次× 0.5元/次= 15 元。1 年1 杯奶茶的價格就可以消除200 億個塑料袋。其實每個人一點小小的改變,就會促使改變發生。

The price of one cup of milk tea, we together get ridof 20 billion plastic bags.

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