The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show pegs itself as a celebration for everything the US lingerie brand represents: femininity, decadenceand the unbridled confidence of lithe-limbed supermodels, but the annual spectacle is never far from controversy.


While the show has been praised for featuring models from a diverse mix of ethnic backgrounds, the lineup remains homogeneousin terms of body shape, with the company never having cast a plus-size woman to walk its famous runway.


Now, one model is calling for a complete boycott of the show, which is expected to take place in November this year, will once again feature exclusively slim women.


Robyn Lawley, a plus-size model, has started an online petition calling for Victoria's Secret to be more inclusive.


She argued that the lingerie brand has “dominated the space for almost 20 years by telling women there is only one kind of body beautiful.


“Until Victoria's Secret commits to representing ALL women on stage, I am calling for a complete boycott of this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show,” she continues.


“It's time Victoria's Secret recognised the buying power and influence of women of ALL ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities.


“The female gaze is powerful, and together, we can celebrate the beauty of our diversity.”


The post has been well-received by Lawley's 190,000 followers, garnering more than 1,900 likes and hundreds of supportive comments; the petition has been signed by more than 700 people so far.


As opposed to watching this year's show, she urged people to share an unedited photograph of themselves on Instagram under the hashtag #MyAngelWings.

勞利在反對觀看今年的維密秀的同時,鼓勵人們在Ins的“我的天使之翼”(My Angel Wings)這一標籤下分享自己的一張未經編輯的照片。

She added that for every person who shares a snap, lingerie brand ThirdLove will donate a bra to Support The Girls, a nonprofit organisation that distributes bras and menstrualproducts to homeless women across the US.

她補充道,每有一人分享照片,內衣品牌ThirdLove(第三種愛)就會爲“支持女孩”(Support The Girls)組織捐贈一件文胸。該組織是一家爲全美無家可歸的女性提供文胸和月經產品的非營利組織。





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