
[Woike] Gregg Popovich on acclimating DeMar DeRozan to the Spurs: "Knowing what he went through with that trade, I wanted him to know that we cared. I wanted him to feel like he was joining a family.”

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DeMar DeRozan’s arrival in San Antonio has helped excite coach Gregg Popovich with the hope that DeRozan can be the next great Spurs player and keep the team in playoff contention.


DeRozan could tell very quickly that he landed all right after being traded from Toronto, a place where he’d built a home as a professional, for Leonard and Green. The move was emotional, full of hurt feelings and miscommunication.


“When the trade first happened, he was pretty dejected. He was not a happy camper,” Popovich said. “And I didn’t know him personally, so I wanted to make him feel like he was at home.”


Popovich and DeRozan spoke after the trade in Las Vegas, where both men were for Team USA’s training camp. Popovich knew DeRozan was stung by the trade. He wanted to tell him about the Spurs, their system, their expectations.


He asked DeRozan about his family, about growing up in Compton, about playing at USC. He offered to help DeRozan once he got to Texas, to let him know about the best restaurants in town.


It was the kind of conversation that has defined Popovich’s relationships with his players for more than 20 years. It was about trying to form a bond like he had with so many players in the past.


“It was just getting to know somebody,” Popovich said. “The basketball court is one thing, but I don’t think guys really give totally unless they really believe that you care about them. Knowing what he went through with that trade, I wanted him to know that we cared.


“I wanted him to feel like he was joining a family.”


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanDoyinYale 270 指標 1 天前

This warms my heart


[–]Raptorsjermcnama 182 指標 1 天前

When you low-key happy that your ex found someone nice


[–][BOS] Kevin Garnettechsandwich 243 指標 1 天前

I love Pop, and DeMar now that he's out of the East.


[–][SAS] Dejounte MurrayTornGauntlet 144 指標 1 天前

Minus one LeBron is monumental

Minus one DeMar is huge

Plus one Kawhi... hahahahHAHAHAHha





[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliDctr_K 1876 指標 1 天前


Hes part of the Spurs family now



[–][PHI] Ben Simmonswoody715 601 指標 1 天前

Did you just come up with this because it is a strong 10/10


[–]TimberwolvesFredSmootBoatParty 715 指標 1 天前

What about DeMar Churrozan



[–]SkadoodleSucks 112 指標 1 天前



[–][MIL] Gary Paytonradpandaparty[] 90 指標 1 天前

Unlike them big women in San Antonio


[–]RocketsBarry_McKocinner 49 指標 22小時前

Idk man, they're pretty damn solid.


[–]THEWhiteGoodman 63 指標 21小時前

Yeah we got some big ole women in Texas, but I promise you’ve never seen as many fine latinas as you will in South Texas.


[–]Knicks Tankwagonbrettrubin 796 指標 1 天前

GOAT coach


[–]royal_10_N-bombs 254 指標 23 小時前



[–][CHI] Lauri Markkanenrosefromtheconcrete 151 指標 23 小時前

Greatest Of All Coaching History


[–]BornAndPasketball 83 指標 22小時前*

Yup. Definitely one of them.

One thing this sub never takes into consideration when talking about coaches is managing personalities.



When people shit on Phil jackson on here (which is still insane to me), I just shake my head. Phil was the master at managing huge egos. Idk who else could effectively manage Kobe AND MJ. I don't think anyone really did besides Phil.


Pop is different in his approach, but they're both really fucking good at connecting with players


And I can't even imagine what it was like being the first coach to draft a black player, start an all-black starting 5 and hire the first black head coach in pre-civil rights era America while still keeping the team united (and dominant). But Red fucking did it because he was also a fucking g


[–]Eastdanielbauer1375 60 指標 22小時前

I think people shit on Phil for two reasons. The first is his time as president of the Knicks, which obviously didn’t go very well. The second is that most of this sub wasn’t watching basketball when he won most of his titles. He’s absolutely on the short list of greatest sports coaches


[–]Raptorsrapprincess 366 指標 1 天前

I kind of think any decent coach would take it upon themselves to make a player sent in a trade they didn't want to be a part of, feel welcome and at home. They need him in positive spirits. Feeling dejected or hurt wouldn't be the best thing for his game. I am glad he is there now and happy, I miss him though, can't even lie.

猛龍球迷:我感覺但凡是個像樣的教練都會主動歡迎一個之前不情願成爲交易籌碼的新球員,並 努力讓他們有家的感覺。球隊肯定是需要新球員鬥志滿滿的。垂頭喪氣或傷心不會對球員的場上表現有任何幫助。德羅贊現在在馬刺呆得很好,我就很開心了。不過我真的很想念他,不說謊。

[–]Spurssiphillis 141 指標 1 天前

Not to mention DeMar's public struggles with depression. A change of scenery can help, but it can also make you feel so isolated and unbalanced if people don't help you feel at home.


[–]SpursNoteful 42 指標 1 天前

Yea. Every coach would do this.


[–]BucksTtarIsMyBro 107 指標 1 天前

Except Kidd


[–]thientuhieule 81 指標 1 天前

this is one of the trades where both teams benefit


[–]Spurssiphillis 130 指標 1 天前

True, I'll take DeMar on the court over Kawhi in New York any day.


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