在與名記Chris Haynes的採訪中,杜蘭特談及自己因辱罵球迷被罰款25000美元一事:“成年人可不能去比賽現場撩閒另一個成年人。這樣做既滑稽又沒種……說什麼‘你軟!你慫!你個婊砸!’……你作爲一個成年人,做完這種事還能回家睡個好覺麼?”

Kevin Durant: "Grown men can't come to a game and heckle grown men. That's corny and that's weak..'You soft! You weak! You a bitch!'..You're going to sleep as a grown man doing that to another person?"


[–]ClippersMrtyAbril 1428 points 6 hours ago

Can’t sleep with these cats


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 160 points 5 hours ago

Can't be grown men with these cats.


[–]LakersMFBOOOOM 1640 points 6 hours ago

This coming from someone who cussed out a teenager online lmfao


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 470 points 4 hours ago

Also has fake burner accounts so he can argue on his own behalf against kids online.


[–]ehcouldnot 103 points 4 hours ago

The teenager wasn't a grown man. So his logic is sound. Lmao


[–]Lakersinf_mom 6201 points 7 hours ago

KD would prefer it if middle schoolers heckled him so he could fight back.


[–]HawksAlVic40117560- 2183 points 6 hours ago

Literally told a teenager to quit on his dreams cause he sucks. I don’t understand why that story didn’t blow up more


[–]ginger_banks 1382 points 5 hours ago

Guy has told people to kill themselves too: https://twitter.com/kdtrey5/status/115928001652338688?lang=en

He's lucky he doesn't a lot of media attention.

杜蘭特推特文字:@bmoe_careful 滾去自殺吧,你個大傻[譁]。



[–]76ersImmynimmy 509 points 4 hours ago

Reading that I'm almost certain that KD is shitposts on this sub


[–]ginger_banks 439 points 4 hours ago

Kd has never got the lebron level of criticism, although he acts like it. Even Westbrook gets it worse.


[–][CLE] Delonte Westddottay 248 points 4 hours ago

We overreacted to Lebron in 2010, we underreact to everything KD does.


[–]76ersthephotobooths 12.7k points 7 hours ago

But you go on twitter pretending to be other people and fight with strangers


[–][UTA] John Stocktonpinoyakopinoytayo 3986 points 7 hours ago*

logged in just to upvote this.

i've never seen someone whose delusion is only matched by his hypocrisy. "grown men can't heckle grown men", fuck off KD at least these guys are doing it in person.



you're a grown man heckling grown men AND TEENAGERS using a fake account. not only are you doing it behind your keyboard/phone, you're doing it using a fake profile.


[–]HawksDownSouthGAladyboy 1198 points 6 hours ago

KD told some highschool football player on instagram that he probably sucks at at sports so he better learn to rap lol


[–][BOS] Kelly Olynklawlamanjaro 856 points 6 hours ago*

Lol imagine being so insecure as the second best player alive with two rings that you attack kids and tell them they suck at sports to make yourself feel better because they have a hottake. It's so weird


[–][WAS] Gilbert ArenasChris_Jeeb 502 points 5 hours ago

KD is like an arm chair psychologist’s wet dream. He constantly projects his own insecurities on others and does it in the most BS condescending Russell Brand holier than thou tone. Throwing it back to him, he gets paid millions, he should just shut up and ball.


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesgensouj 108 points 5 hours ago

he gave himself an out


[–]RaptorsDeArmani_DeBooker 2728 points 7 hours ago



[–]76ersImmynimmy 1589 points 6 hours ago

Lol the lack of awareness of this dude.


[–]SupersonicsxRyuzakii 160 points 6 hours ago

KD has the worst self awareness in the world... also let’s take a minute to laugh at the fact that the heckler got to him so bad that he’s releasing videos about days after it happened..

Apparently that guy is sleeping much easier than KD is after this happened...



[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 756 points 5 hours ago

Draymond was right.


[–][SAS] Tiago Splitterthecrunchcrew 453 points 5 hours ago

And Russ


[–]sanders_gabbard_2020 364 points 3 hours ago

Me like a week ago: "oh shit draymond green called kd a bitch."

Me today: "damn, I think kd might be a bitch"



[–]Bm_0ctwo 205 points 5 hours ago

Tell the guy to shut the fuck up and watch the fucking game - fine. No problem with it.

Keep talking about it after the fact - Jesus. Get over it KD.



[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantaminix89 96 points 5 hours ago

After their shitty play with Curry being out, there’s no doubt in my mind that Curry is the more impactful player. They broke records without KD, KD just commanded them to a 3 game losing streak with Curry out.


[–]g_shumway 47 points 5 hours ago

This guy needs a family or a girlfriend or something.


[–]Trail BlazersRaiderDamus 56 points 4 hours ago

found KDs grandma's account


[–][GSW] Chris MullinSanta-Klawz 1407 points 6 hours ago

Yeah, his self awareness is not good.

On the other hand, when I go to a game, I fucking hate being near the asshole who has to scream at one person the whole game. Especially if I bring my 12 yr old son.



[–]TTVW 461 points 6 hours ago

I really don’t get it. Is he like intentionally trying to destroy his Q rating? I remember in 2013 literally everyone loved Durant and now he’s completely destroyed his public image. Every single story makes me root for him less.


It’s an NBA game. The guy has had a couple beers and is getting into it, and makes some dumb comment about Durant being a “cupcake” or whatever. Nor racist or offensive, just some little comment. And Durant takes some holier than thou stance on it because he’s a genuine asshole.


He needs to fire that Rich guy and hire some new PR people because he’s been a disaster for years.


[–]Supersonicsgoldenglove 285 points 6 hours ago

You give someone enough air time, they'll eventually show you who they really are. I don't think Durant is intentionally doing anything, this is just him.


[–]PistonsTheFrankOfTurducken 117 points 6 hours ago

Yup. It’s almost like the best way manage your public image is to be an actual great person.

難道你們是在告訴我, 維護公衆形象最好的方法就是做一個真正的好人?!驚了!

[–]Wizardszeusisbuddha 239 points 4 hours ago

Yeah I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion in this thread but I kind of agree with him. Like sure he might be a hypocrite but tu quoque is not a good argument and the people who do the things he's describing are immature and annoying to other fans.


[–]BucksThe_Sign_of_Zeta 1326 points 7 hours ago

I mean it's stupid, but it's also happened since the days of Roman gladiators. KD needs to grow thicker skin as a professional athlete. Those people suck, but their expensive tickets are the reason you get to live a life of luxury. As long as it's nothing racist it's not a big deal IMO.


[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookAnti_Thon 684 points 7 hours ago

He's 30 years old. The time for him to grow thicc skin is long gone.


[–]CelticsQuietLocksmith 281 points 6 hours ago

Jesus Christ LeBron treated way worse than KD ever was. People were dead ass comparing him to his absentee father on the way he left Cleveland. This "soft/week" "cupcake" "bitch" stuff is tame and no worse than what I hear in traffic, he has such thin skin it's ridiculous


[–][BOS] Chris HerrenGhostoftheWolfswood 205 points 6 hours ago

Boston fans have been mass-producing “LeBron is a bitch” shirts for over a decade and he’s never been bothered enough to acknowledge it.


[–]Notrobertmueller21 619 points 7 hours ago

How anybody can not see how unauthentic KD is beyond me. It was obvious he was trying to look tough when yelling at that fan. When someone like Westbrook does it you can tell it's pure emotion. But with KD it's like he's thinking about how he looks doing it


[–]BucksThe_Sign_of_Zeta 325 points 7 hours ago

KD wants so hard to be tough but just looks like an insecure ass.


[–]CavaliersJaKKeD 202 points 6 hours ago

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