有道看天下 Word to world:用英語視角帶你看世界




  ‘Single-use’, a term that describes items whose unchecked proliferation are blamed for damaging the environment and affecting the food chain, has been named Collins’ Word of the Year 2018. The word has seen a four-fold increase since 2013, with news stories and images such as those seen in the BBC’s Blue Planet II steeply raising public awareness of the issue.




  In 2018, toxic added many strings to its poisoned bow becoming an intoxicating descriptor for the year’s most talked about topics. Our data shows that, along with a 45% rise in the number of times it has been looked up on oxforddictionaries.com, over the last year the word toxic has been used in an array of contexts, both in its literal and more metaphorical senses.




  single-use 一次性的


  To protect the environment, we should use our own tableware instead of single-use chopsticks while dining. 爲了保護環境,我們應該在用餐時使用自己的餐具而不是一次性筷子。


  toxic adj. 有毒的;中毒的


  They are convinced that they were poisoned by their toxic environment. 他們確信他們因有毒的環境而中毒了。




  1.backstopn. 保障,指英國脫歐後北愛爾蘭和愛爾蘭之間的邊界處理方案。原意:擋球網;捕手;支撐物。

  2.flossn. 牙線舞,一種今年走紅的舞蹈。原意:牙線;絲棉;亂絲。

  3.ploggingn. 邊慢跑邊撿垃圾,是瑞典的一個休閒活動。由jogging和picking組合而成。

  4.VARabbr. 視頻助理裁判(世界盃時候出現的)。

  5.whitewashv. 好萊塢裏用一名白人演員去飾演其他種族角色的“洗白現象”。原意:粉飾;白色塗料;石灰水。


  1.Big Dick Energy(BDE) 一種低調而隨意的自信態度。

  2.gammonn. 形容那些支持脫歐的中年白人男性,他們生氣時臉會漲得通紅。原意: 醃豬後腿;胡說。

  3.gaslightv. 指一個人通過假消息來操縱別人。原意:煤氣燈;煤氣燈光。

  4.overtourismn. 指旅遊開發給當地環境,生活帶來的影響。

  5.orbitingn. 指的是一個人突然不與他人在現實中交流,但依然跟蹤並偶爾回應他人在社交媒體上的動態。原意:軌道運行;軌道運動。




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