Every year, Great Leap Brewing throws an annual Halloween bash and costume contest in conjunction with the LGBT Center. In previous years, we hosted this at our Great Leap Brewing Flagship #12 Brewpub. Unfortunately we were forced to close that location this year, but that isn’t going to deter us from throwing what is one of the city’s most excellent Halloween parties! Functioning just the same as every year but at our Great Leap Brewing #45 Brewpub, have a look and see what your costumes can win you this year:

1. Individual Category

a. 1st Prize: 1288rmbgift card to Great Leap Brewing

b. 2nd Prize: 588rmbgift card to Great Leap Brewing

2. Group Category

a. 1st Prize: 1688rmb gift card to Great Leap Brewing

b. 2nd Prize: 888rmbgift card to Great Leap Brewing

Not bad for exercising a bit of creativity and adding a pinch of effort, eh? Like always, there is no need to register ahead of time. Please just show up to Great Leap Brewing #45 anytime between 7pm and 9pmto enter your costume and receive your number. There will be three judges walking around throughout the evening judging costumes based on merit, effort, creativity, and appearance. Winners will be announced promptly at 10pm, so if you are planning to enter the contest please do not be late.

As the event is in conjunction with the Beijing LGBT Center, we will also have two specials going on during the event. First, we will be donating 10rmb for every pint of our Imperial Pumpkin Ale you drink to the LGBT Center. Second, if at least 10people come dressed in drag, we will leave open the possibility of a door prize, with the best drag costume being awarded an 888rmbgift card to GLB.

Our Halloween Party is great fun, gives you the opportunity to win some excellent prizes, and helps support the Beijing LGBT Center. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

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