
we lost to the naive,or lost to mature


Daytime neuropathy, night of depression, such living is tired, also do not know how long. ​​​​

最折磨人的感情,进一步,没资格;退一步,舍不得。The most tortured emotions are not eligible for further retreat.

习惯了,是个很强大的词,可以代替所有一言难尽。 ​

Accustomed to it, it is a powerful word that can replace all words. ​

经过人生的荒凉,才能抵达内心的繁华 ​​​​。

After the desolation of life, we can arrive at the bustling heart.


We are not good actors, I can not hide enthusiasm, you can not deduce like. ​​​​


Love ,promised between the fingersFinger rift,twisted in the love.


I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I have hurt others and been hurt by others.


I am always afraid that love will be wasted, but it will only irritate loneliness. ​​​​

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