UNI-®, an acclaimed luxury skincare brand from Singapore, debuted their high-quality products at the National Museum of Singapore. The intimate event was hosted to celebrate its inauguration while co mmunicating the brand’s commitment to its philosophy of simplicity, as well as its natural and fuss-free ethos, to an exclusive group of attendees comprising of key media and socialites.

Combining the gifts of nature with technology, the made-in-Singapore skincare brand features a cutting-edge key ingredient, MIRA®, which promises unparalleled healing and restorative properties to the skin.

Held at Singapore’s first digital gallery, the launch featured black-and-white décor, bowing guests over with its clean-cut modernity and au courant chic whilst reverberating the Singapore skincare brand UNI-®’s distinctive monochrome packaging and minimalist brand vibes. A team of skincare professionals were on hand to dispense skincare advice and conduct experiential skin analysis with advanced equipment, reiterating the brand’s unwavering stance on quality, efficacy and proficiency, while guests sipped on champagne and enjoyed exquisite canapés.

Marrying cutting-edge biotechnology with ground-breaking natural ingredients and formulation, the Singapore skincare brand UNI-® is undeniably set to redefine the Singapore skincare industry, and set an unprecedented consumer trend that demands uncomplicated yet potent products that suit all skin types.

Amongst the well-heeled turnout were high-society elites such as Frances Low, Gerti Iwatake, Evelyn Sam and Genevieve Peggy Jeffs, as well as e-commerce partners, local investors and business associates. The UNI-® launch event was also graced by beauty writers and editors of L'Officiel, MEN'S FOLIO, AugustMan, Prestige, Her World, and internationally-renowned social influencers and local trend setters.

“We strongly believed then – and now – that if we had a world-class product, one with the highest quality and efficacy, we could make it,” said Mr Garie Goh, the founder of the Singapore skincare brand UNI-®, “For many years, our research team and I worked tirelessly in search of the ingredient that would set us apart. Something that would impact the skincare industry, change the way consumers think about skincare, and ultimately, provide users with tangible results that many brands fail to live up to.”

“Our brand name UNI-® symbolises the universe where we draw our inspiration and ingredients from. It is also ‘universal’, as many of our products can be used by anyone and everyone,” recounted Mr Goh, “and it also comes to mean ‘unique’ as it has truly no equal in terms of efficacy.”

A collection of six products were at the event – Reverse Skin Regeneration Essence, Skin Cell Activation and Regeneration Essence for Men, Skin Cell Activation and Regeneration Essence for Women, Sensitive Skin Treatment Essence, Acne Skin Treatment Essence and Acne Skin Intensive Healing Mask. They can either be used independently or in combination with any other products. The main ingredients of UNI-® skincare products, are all derived from nature. When combined, they are extraordinarily effective in activating the self-repairing and self-renewing functions of the skin.

Expertly tackling modern skincare woes that emerge from a busy and demanding lifestyle which we are all too familiar with, the Singapore skincare brand UNI-® revitalises and rejuvenates the skin to become healthy again with its unparalleled quality and absolute simplicity.

Keeping its products pure and simple for users to rediscover the original wonders of nature, the Singapore skincare brand UNI-® is here to spearhead a new skincare trend.

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