摘要:I will never forget the first time I walked into the Notre Dame Cathedral. I was a teenager on a school trip to Paris. It was my very first international trip, and until then, I hadn’t seen much outside of the South Side neighborhood I grew up in. But the majesty of Notre Dame—the history, the artistry, the spirituality—took my breath away. The feeling was almost indescribable—a place that lifts you to a higher understanding of who we are and who we can be. Every time I’ve visited in the years since, including as First Lady, I felt the same thing. So being here in Paris tonight, my heart aches with the people of France. Yet I know that the Notre Dame I experienced all those years ago, as so many others have over the centuries, will soon awe us again.。當我第一次看到巴黎聖母院的時候,我被它璀璨的歷史、藝術、以及承載的精神世界深深地震撼了——我簡直無法用言語來形容我當時的感受——彷彿讓我們更瞭解自我,以及觸摸到我們未來能成爲的模樣。


早上醒來,突然有朋友在微信發來說巴黎聖母院(Notre Dame /notrə ˈdɑm/)沒了。於是我立刻打開新聞網頁,看到一片熊熊大火吞噬了巴黎最具象徵意義的地方。

誰也不曾料到已經屹立在塞納河畔(The Seine /sɛn/)長達8個世紀的她,躲過了兩次世界大戰的浩劫,卻在一個和平年代毀於一場大火。

在學習英語的路途中,我也曾經拜讀過雨果(VictorHugo)《巴黎聖母院》的英文版小說,還看過3個版本的電影。特別是1997年迪斯尼的動畫版本The Hunchback of Notre Dame 《鐘樓怪人》,我看了不下5次。

對我來說, 巴黎聖母院是一個很特別的地方,一個真善美的文化符號。最終我也於去年8月剛去過巴黎,被聖母院的宏偉華麗所震撼。



今天和大家分享其中一篇來自美國前第一夫人Michelle Obama在ins上的一篇推文, 特別真摯和有代入感,在此和大家分享:

I will never forget the first time I walked into the Notre Dame Cathedral. I was a teenager on a school trip to Paris. It was my very first international trip, and until then, I hadn’t seen much outside of the South Side neighborhood I grew up in. But the majesty of Notre Dame—the history, the artistry, the spirituality—took my breath away. The feeling was almost indescribable—a place that lifts you to a higher understanding of who we are and who we can be. Every time I’ve visited in the years since, including as First Lady, I felt the same thing. So being here in Paris tonight, my heart aches with the people of France. Yet I know that the Notre Dame I experienced all those years ago, as so many others have over the centuries, will soon awe us again.

Notre Dame 巴黎聖母院

Cathedral 大教堂

South Side 這裏指芝加哥南區

majesty 雄偉

spirituality 精神世界

take one's breath away 震撼某人

awe 敬畏/震撼


