
範曾(1938.7.5-),字十翼,別署抱衝齋主,江蘇南通人,中國當代大儒、思想家、國學大師、書畫巨匠、文學家、詩人。 是當代中國集詩書畫、文史哲、儒釋道於一身的文化大家,平生著作等身,已出版一百六十餘種詩、書畫、哲學之著述,國家圖書館珍藏其中119種。

Ten wing Fan Zeng 1938.7.5 (-), word, don't agency ran zhai main, jiangsu nantong people, the Chinese contemporary insistance, thinkers, Chinese learning master, painting and calligraphy masters, writer and poet. Is contemporary Chinese poem calligraphy, and philosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism culture, for producing, has published more than one hundred and sixty kinds of poem, calligraphy and painting, the philosophical writings, national library collection 119 of them.


Fan Zeng advocate "return to classical, return to nature," acting "in poetry as the soul, the book as the bone" of aesthetic principles, after whom the development of Chinese painting to major, created the "neoclassicism" art. In 2011, Fan Zeng won the "Chinese art, the lifetime achievement award". On June 30, 2015 Italian President sergio to Mr Fan Zeng awarded the medal of general of the republic of Italy.


Doors is the public worship of mythical figure, a considerable popularity contacts folk customs and traditional Chinese painting masters have always been some molded doors of frame of mind, modern famous painter qi baishi, xu beihong, Li Keran, Huang Zhou, Fan Zeng, etc., it took an ace apply colours to a drawing graffiti, have focused on each have each come in different styles. Fan Zeng seize the characteristics of doors of crazy at times. Deion: this painting doors, figure looks burly, belowed, body bends, elegant, fully show the dynamic movement characters. Look at picture seems to have felt a ear after high winds rough lines, with its relations of painting techniques. Heavy ink, exaggerated gestures, cheng du jin jian brushwork. All reflect the doors open his fearless humanoid ghost wind charm of the atmosphere. Can read this, will be pleasure, thought content, so are evil thoughts do not abuse.


Fan Zeng written literature, history, philosophy, according to the humanistic concern for the domestic and foreign academic circles have said, but his article of grand and elegant, map of known as the first choice for many times. As the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization diversified special adviser, was published in the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization's headquarters "back to the classical, return to nature" "towards nature" "ultimate good" project.
