
The 2018 Chengdu Marathon officially began at 7:30am on October 27. Since 2017, the Chengdu Marathon has not only made a name for itself within the local circle of runners, but has also garnered widespread interest from around the world. The 2018 Chengdu Marathon and its theme of "Chengdu runs towards the world, the world runs into Chengdu" have attracted 28,000 runners, including 12,000 racers in the Full Marathon, 10,000 competitors in the Half Marathon and 6,000 happy runners in the 5km Happy Run. At present, Chengdu is hard at work to become three cities and three capitals, which entails its establishment as a World-famous Tournament City. As one of Chengdu's heavyweight sport contests, the Chengdu Marathon has already aptly showcased to the world its charisma and vitality.

在“全民热跑”的成都跑步,是一种什么样的体验?听了美国跑者Justin Andrews的故事,也许你会获得答案。

Run Chengdu Run! So what does it feel like to run in a city where everyone runs for fun? Hear it for yourself from American runner Justin Andrews and his "tao" of running.

倔强 42.195公里

42.195km, persistence pays off


Happily stuffing extremely sugary homemade cakes in his mouth, Justin casually mentions his love for running and the marathons he's joined in. Honestly speaking, it is difficult to relate the length of 42.195 kilometers and the tough character needed to finish such a race with the present situation of him wolfing down food.


At the age of 4, Justin started to play basketball and baseball. When he was 13, he finished his first 3-kilometer cross-country race. He started to employ systematic training when he was 14 years old, but it was more focused on mid-distance speed work. In the autumn of 2007, 23-year-old Justin participated in his first marathon. The moment that he passed 30 kilometers in what is "America's best and largest" marathon in Chicago, his upper leg cramped and he had to finish the rest by walking. Nevertheless, Justin, as a beginner, performed well with a final result of 2 hours and 58 minutes. "That was 28 minutes slower than my target," he said.


Moving your steps forward to run is not tough work, but in the end there are only few high-achievement runners. Usually, a well-trained athlete can finish a marathon within 4 hours. But, every faster performance to reduce your time by half an hour means enormous training time. Thus far, eight years have passed for Justin. His best marathon result is 2 hours 37 minutes, still 7 minutes slower than his target. "Universities in the USA give generous scholarships to attract students with professional athletic potential, but I only got one offer," said Justin. "Compared with basketball, I definitely have a gift for running. However, according to my current result achieved in marathon competition, I am only one of the 'Top 10,000' runners across the country. If I can run twenty minutes faster, I will rank among the 'Top 100' runners. But, in fact, even to progress one minute is very hard."

爱跑 跑之有道

Running on the way of love


Not solely focused on his running performances, Justin studied environment protection during his university life. In accord with his love of nature, he enthusiastically related tales about his 50-kilometer ultra-trail races. Through paths and forests, across barriers and over trenches, he confronted different conditions, but also gorgeous views of nature and creatures along the journey. He said: "Footsteps flow with my breathing, intense heat is over head, occasional cool breezes touch my face, and every step refreshes my life."


In a March 2015 race he got first place with 5 hours and 42 minutes, 8 minutes faster than the runner-up. In the race, he cramped a little, but the next day he felt nothing wrong. For many years, besides a well-planned running regimen, Justin did supplementary cardiorespiratory training like swimming, weightlifting, and mountaineering. As for running form, Justin's style is "simply to find the most natural and comfortable form, which will also be the most labor-saving one. When smiling, people will use less muscle power. In running, it is poor form to look sad or have a pouting mouth, which are not good for saving energy!"

几年间,成都的跑步氛围越来越好。2015年4月18日,Justin 生日这天,他参加了“2015成都·都江堰双遗马拉松”比赛,而后又继续为其它越野跑赛事做准备,他每周跑130~140公里,每天至少15公里。

In the past years, racing has become more and more popular in Chengdu. On his birthday on April 18, 2015, Justin ran the Chengdu Dujiangyan WCH&WNH Marathon. And then began to prepare for other races by running up to 130-140 kilometers per week and at least 15 kilometers every day.


Differing from other sports, running races are the only competition where amateurs compete with elites on the same ground," added Justin: "At the starting line of a big marathon, I am 30 meters away from the eventual first place. Except international marathons like Boston, which requires past qualifying performances to register, many races offer opportunities for beginners." Justin has a simple suggestion to those beginners who are eager to join half and full marathon: "Don't worry. Take it easy and start slow. You don't want to be unable to run after a single marathon."


Taking advantage of his gifts and capacity, Justin could have competed in many more races, but he chose to spend his whole life running slowly and experiencing the world. By virtue of the "all people running" trend, a runner could have fully devoted himself to one or two marathons in order to attain "honors" therein, or, in line with Japanese writer, Haruki Murakami, he can go onto experience thirty years or more of healthy running, enjoying the solitary roads of the distance runner!


Justin's suggestion for beginners (who are healthy and have no injures) to join in a half or full marathon


Prepare for races 12-16 weeks in advance by running 4-6 days a week. Three weeks before the event, runners need to get specific training volume every week (half marathon: 30-40 kilometers; full marathon: 40-80 kilometers). A long-distance run of 18-20 kilometers can be done if training for a half marathon and 26-33 kilometers for a full. From three weeks out til the race itself, mileage should be reduced step by step so as to let the body recover and rest as much as you can.


Editor's Pick

摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdu magazine

撰稿 | 刘昕怡

By Lenore Liu

编辑 | 雕刻时光

Edited by J. Tarkovsky

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