State of Craft設計工作室位於倫敦,團隊由一些曾在世界各地領先設計公司中工作過的設計師和建築師組成。前些天小篇有在Greenwich Peninsula開發項目中提到他們做到1號樓設計。工作室現在由四個關鍵人員領導,他們共同負責以下專業:創意,交付,建築,室內設計。

  State of Craft is comprised of designers and architects who have worked at some of the leading design practices around the world.This team is led by four key people who together are responsible for the following specialisms: Creative, Delivery, Architecture, Interiors.

  Daniel Goldberg是State of Craft的創始人和創意總監,他曾參與一系列國際認可的項目,從獲獎的建築到住宅、遊艇的室內設計,再到奢侈品牌。

  Daniel is the founder and Creative Director of State of Craft. He has worked on a broad spectrum of internationally recognised projects ranging from award-winning architecture, to interiors for homes and yachts and luxury branding.

  在成立“State of Craft”之前,Daniel在德國獲得建築師資格,然後移居英國。在那裏,他在倫敦一些最負盛名的設計公司擔任設計主管,積累了10多年經驗。1998年進入Foster and Partners事務所,爲包括大英博物館大庭在內的大型文化項目工作了6年。2003年至2006年期間在Francis Design從事遊艇設計。

  Prior to setting up State of Craft, Daniel qualified as an architect in Germany before relocating to Great Britain, where he gained more than 10 years of experience as head of design at some of London’s most prestigious design companies.He joined Foster and Partners in 1998 and worked for six years on major cultural projects, including the British museum's grand atrium. Engaged in yacht Design in Francis Design from 2003 to 2006.

  2006年,Daniel加入全球聞名的Candy&Candy,提供了對高端住宅開發市場的獨特見解,策劃了一些世界上最有價值的住宅房地產,參與了包括One Hyde Park在內的許多項目。2013年成立了State of Craft。

  In 2006, Daniel joined Candy&Candy.Heoffers a unique insight into the high-end residential development market, having masterminded some of the worlds most valuable residential real estate.State of Craft was established in 2013.

  領銜建築師MárioLourenco在葡萄牙學習並獲得建築師資格,之後在里斯本,上海和倫敦從事獲獎實踐。在2013年加入“State of Craft”之前,他曾在David Chipperfield的幾個倫敦項目工作過,包括Elizabeth House,Portland House,皇家藝術學院和PACE畫廊。

  Mário studied and qualified as an Architect in Portugal and has since worked at award winning practices in Lisbon, Shanghai and London. Before joining State of Craft in 2013, he worked at David Chipperfield Architects on several London projects including Elizabeth House, Portland House, The Royal Academy of Arts and PACE Gallery.

  總監BenWright擁有超過10年的設計和項目領導經驗,專注於高端住宅和文化項目。在2013年加入State of Craft之前,他曾擔任Jonathan Woolf的首席助理,並擔任David Chipperfield的設計師。他還曾在金斯敦,布萊頓和倫敦大都會等多所建築學院任教。

  Ben has over 10 years experience as a designer and project leader specialising in high-end residential and cultural projects. He was the Principal Associate at Jonathan Woolf Architects for 6 years and a Designer at David Chipperfield Architects before joining State of Craft in 2013. He has also taught at a number of architectural schools including Kingston, Brighton and London Metropolitan.

  State of Craft根植於建築,但專注於內部空間的優化和設計,創造“由內而外”。從宏觀到微觀的理念允許工作室舒適地從完整的創意概念過渡到定製配件、傢俱和物品的精細細節。

  State of Craft are rooted in architecture but specialise in internal optimisation and design of space, creating “from the inside out”. Our macro-to-micro ethos allows the studio to segue comfortably from complete creative concept to the fine detailing of bespoke fittings, furniture and objects.

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