原創:James 雅思foru

因爲經常聽羣裏的朋友說寫作很難提高,每次都是5.5,然後自己也幫一些小夥伴們看過作文,發現大部分作文都有一個很大的問題就是詞彙。James在工作日每天發的資訊的詞彙講解也不斷地提醒大家,避免在文章中使用千篇一律的(cliche = over used)、過於簡單的(basic words)、頻繁使用的詞彙(repetition)。



Task Response[任務回應]

Coherence & Cohesion [連貫和銜接]

Grammatical Range[語法多樣性準確性]

Lexical Resource [詞彙豐富程度]

*今天咱們只說Lexical Resource (後面縮寫“LR"),其他的部分下次說。


A wide range of vocabulary詞彙量要廣To paraphrase effectively有效率地改寫Use collocations correctly正確地使用搭配Choose correct words most of the time用詞要正確Use some less common words用一些少見的詞Only have occasional/rare errors in spelling/word formation少量的拼寫錯誤


Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The government and citizens of a country sometimes have contrasting views [常見搭配來代替常說的“different opinions”] about how their country's progress should be measured. While I agree that economic progress is essential, I believe that other forms of progress [固定搭配來paraphrase題目中的“types of progress”] are just as important.

There are three key reasons [固定搭配用來代替簡單的表達,如:important things] why economic growth is considered by governments around the world to be the fundamental metrics [常見搭配, metric = a standard of measurement ] for national progress.[fundamental metrics for national progress與第三段開頭的in measuring a country's success互相替換,句子不重複] First, a healthy economy [固定搭配,健康的經濟體,且與下面出現的strong economy替換,減少重複] results in a more satisfied citizenry [少見詞, 公民, 來替換people/citizen/resident等] as unemployment is lower than during periods of economic unrest [固定搭配來替換誰都知道economic/financialcrisis]. Second, economic progress generates more tax revenue [固定搭配generate/collect tax] for governments. This in turn allows governments to invest in social services, healthcare, education, military or whatever else they see as necessary. Finally, a strong economy can help acountry improve or maintain a country's international reputation [固定搭配:國際聲譽], which allows for more influence and trading power [固定搭配:交易話語權] on the global stage [常見搭配:國際舞臺].

Nonetheless, other forms of progress that exist independently of economic progress can be equally relevant in measuring a country's success. A country'sadult literacy rate [專業詞: 成人識字率], for example, can be used to measure social equality [固定搭配:社會平等] as well as economic growth potential. This is because literate adults are able to partake in [少見詞組,參與xxx] skilled labor [固定搭配:指需要通過訓練培訓獲得工作技能的勞動力] and are also likely to pass on their literacy skillsto the next generation [常用搭配]. Another key measure of progress is how well the country is protecting its natural environment. Regardless of the wealth of a country, it will not have a satisfied and healthy population if the environment is in ruins [固定搭配:嚴重受損]. Alternatively, the overall happiness of its residents can be an extremelyrelevant measure of a country's success.

In conclusion, while it is obvious that economic health is a key marker [少見詞,這裏marker是指標識,標誌的意思] of a country's success, other educational, environmental and pschologial metrics [少見詞,這裏metric指的是度量,指標] are equally significant.

我們可以看到這篇範文的LR完全符合官方7+的評分標準。所以大家在寫作的時候沒必要去用到什麼超複雜、高大上的詞彙,然後把你背的“高級詞彙”硬塞進文章中,因爲這樣很可能造成你的用詞不準確。但是!你要知道你所使用的單詞和通常是和哪個單詞搭配在一起(就是我們說的collocation),並且正確在語境中使用,比如說“social equality”,而不是“society equality”或“society being equal”。就像James經常嘮叨的積累單詞是需要結合語境記的,不單單是記住它的意思,還要記住這個單詞如何使用的,要記它的固定搭配,並且也要知道它的同義詞,便於在寫作中替換。

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