

[00:15.29]pron. 我


[00:18.46]n. [U]冰

[00:20.00]ice cream

[00:21.54]n. 冰淇淋


[00:25.56]n. [C]主意,想法

[00:28.07]My art teacher says I often have exciting ideas.


[00:36.16]conj. 即使;是否;n. [C]不確定的情況

[00:42.73]They always talk about what will happen if I don't succeed.


[00:51.63]adj. 生病的,不舒服的


[00:56.93]n. [U,C]病;疾病


[01:01.95]v. 想象,設想


[01:07.80]adj. 重要的


[01:11.31]adj. 不可能的


[01:15.45]prep. 在(某物的形體或範圍)中;在…內 adv. 在家裏


[01:28.15]vt. 包含,包括


[01:33.43]v. 增加,增長 n. 增加

[01:39.13]I don't know how to increase my reading speed.


[01:46.52]n. 印度


[01:50.43]adj. 印度人的;印第安人的 n. [C]印度人


[01:59.06]n. 工業


[02:02.84]n.& vt. 影響

[02:04.79]I think colours influence our everyday lives in many ways.


[02:13.68]n. [U]信息

[02:15.95]As soon as you click the mouse,

[02:19.01]there's a great deal of information.


[02:24.44]prep. 在…裏 adv. 在裏面 adj. 裏面的

[02:31.80]The stories inside may be a bit old,

[02:35.28]but they're still interesting.


[02:41.72]adv. 代替,頂替


[02:46.98]n. 用法;說明;[U]教導

[02:52.83]He's a great teacher.

[02:55.19]He gave really clear instructions during P.E. class.


[03:03.42]n. 儀器;工具;樂器;


[03:10.70]n. [U]興趣,趣味;v. 使感興趣

[03:17.23]When he was very young,

[03:19.58]Tan showed an interest in music.


[03:26.29]adj. 感興趣的


[03:29.92]adj. 有趣的

[03:31.84]The most interesting museum I've ever been to

[03:34.76]is the American Computer Museum.


[03:41.89]adj. 國際的


[03:45.52]n. 互聯網,因特網


[03:51.39]n. [C]採訪;訪談;v. 面試;

[03:57.64]For this month's Young World magazine,

[04:00.98]I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.




[04:16.01]vt. 介紹


[04:19.51]n. [C]引見,介紹;[U]引進


[04:27.01]vt. 發明

[04:28.68]I think the TV was invented before the car.


[04:36.36]n. [C]發明;[U]創意

[04:41.24]Hey Roy, the subject for my school project is

[04:44.87]“Small inventions that changed the world.”


[04:51.80]vt. 邀請


[04:55.17]v. 是


[04:59.48]n. [C]島

[05:00.88]Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre,

[05:03.66]is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island.


[05:11.18]pron. 它


[05:13.96]pron. 它的


[05:16.79]pron. 它自己;它本身

