2017年12月28日,巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國駐華大使館商務參贊艾爾法·伊克巴爾(Erfa Iqbal)博士訪問了清華大學一帶一路戰略研究院,受到了研究院執行院長史志欽教授、博士後陸洋和學術助理明月的熱烈歡迎。伊克巴爾博士感謝了史志欽教授及其團隊爲“一帶一路”倡議所做的工作與貢獻,並強調了中巴雙方可以通過研究合作、戰略合作伙伴關係和信息交流等方式共同在“一帶一路”倡議中發揮重要作用。








Dr. Erfa Iqbal, Commercial Counsellor for the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing paid a visit to the Institute of the Belt and Road Initiative Tsinghua University on 28 December 2017. She was welcomed by Professor Shi Zhiqin, Dr. Lu Yang, and Zoon Khan atthe institute. She thanked Professor Shi and his team for their dedication and contributions towards the Belt and Road Initiative and highlighted the role that can be played through research collaborations, strategic partnerships and exchange of information on both sides. 

She underlined some of the key areas for cooperation in the context of China’s 21st Century Silk Road. Dr. Iqbal emphasized that the BRI is a unique and mutually beneficial model for globalization and economic development in an unprecedented manner. The BRI is not any neo-colonial or neo-imperialist mindset but rather manifests itself in the spirit of mutual gain, economic growth and prosperity of mankind. Through this conviction China is defining and imparting a spirit for a New World Order. 

Moreover, as the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor is of immense importance for the effective realization of China’s vision for the future. CPEC is a combination of power generation projects, infrastructure development, and Special Economic Zones among others. In addition, the successful development of Gwadar Port and Free Trade Zone which is the heart of CPEC can create opportunities for the economic and social advancement of the entire region.

Some important questions were also raised about moving forward with the vision. Both Chinese and Pakistani governments are effectively implementing and developing CPEC. Her tenure as the Commercial Counsellor in Beijing for four years, has been a crucial one as she saw a friendship culminate into economic cooperation. Dr. Erfa brushed upon many of the achievements as well as challenges that China and Pakistan face as they move forward in the implementation phase of CPEC. 

While both governments have ensured smooth, timely and satisfactory implementation of CPEC projects, and the Joint Cooperation Committee is a mechanism in place for gauging the progress, the real success and failure will be determined by the private partnerships and joint enterprises. In this light several areas need to be addressed. For instance, research needs to be done on the expectations of China from Pakistani government and private actors. Pakistan similarly needs to understand the model of Special Economic Zones, China’s strategy of development, to be able to make CPEC a success.

However, the pace at which joint enterprises are forming can be enhanced. If institutes from Pakistan and China come together and work in harmony with the policy makers, a similar mechanism can be implemented to give a direction for enterprise development. Both countries face several barriers to information as well. For example, Pakistan needs access to Chinese experience in the establishment of SEZs. With each such zone along with industries human communities will evolve. This will require vocational training, schools, hospitals and housing schemes, all of which need to be understood.

Especially with respect to vocational training, scareful analysis and research needs to be done for which Pakistan can seek China’s guidance and assistance. A research pact with the Tianjin government to assist these training centers is an example of the kind of desirable collaborations. Like Pakistan, China also has relatively limited understanding of the business environment in Pakistan and the political and social aspects to consider.  Without addressing the existing limitations, the actual potential of CPEC projects cannot be achieved.

At the end, the participants agreed that, in order to bridge these gaps, research institutes on both sides can lead the way fo rjoint collaboration and information exchange. Academics and researchers will have to be the ones leading key policy choices for the realization of the shared vision. In this way academics, policy makers, enterprises and governments can together bridge existing knowledge gaps and CPEC can achieve the shared vision at the core of the Belt and Road Initiative. 



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